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The winter has finally arrived in full force - and with it, the bitter New York wind tunnels and slushy streets. So, the question becomes, how can we as New Yorkers continue our much needed weekend brunches without freezing our asses off? Although the city may have seriously stepped up their outdoor dining game - thank god for heat lamps - sometimes you actually need to enjoy your eggs benedict inside. Scroll through for some of our favorite cozy brunch spots that'll seriously brighten up your weekend.
Charleston's Staple Kristin Chambless On Her All-Season Entertaining Tips
Carrie's First Date Look Is Perfect (& Affordable!)
The Colorful Homes Of Glamorous Globetrotters
Where To Just F*cking Dance Tonight In NYC
A Potato Chip Omelette Topped With Caviar?!
Sunday In Brooklyn Has Popped Up At The Seaport!
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