In this issue, February 18, 2020 View it in your browser.

Product Ownership, IoT with Apache Kafka, 10 Years of Continuous Delivery, WKSctl, JFR Coming To Open JDK 8, Mono, Chrome 80 Released, MQTT for IoT, Google Glass Enterprise

Which software conference should you attend in 2020? Have you considered QCon Munich?

“QCon is great! So much knowledge we never knew of. I want to implement and practice whatever I learned right away.” - Aniket Patel, Senior Software Engineer at Cimpress & QCon attendee. QCon Munich (Oct 19-21) will help you avoid pitfalls and mistakes others have made. Discover more.



Gain Application Control and Security with Service Mesh

Whether you’re a developer, application owner, or in I&O, this eBook provides tailored information on how service mesh helps you gain observability, control and security in your applications.

Dave West on Agile beyond Software, Organisational Alignment and How Product Ownership is Hard

In this podcast recorded at Agile 2019, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Dave West, CEO of about agile beyond software, the need for organisational alignment and how product ownership is a major inhibitor for many organisations because it is not done well. (Podcast)

Should you add service meshes to your technology stack?

In software architecture, a service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for facilitating service-to-service communications between microservices, often using a sidecar proxy. Read the ultimate guide to service mesh to understand how and if you should use them.


  1. Docker Donates Converter Library for Storing CNAB Bundles in Container Registries to

  2. What Will the Next 10 Years of Continuous Delivery Look Like?

  3. WKSctl: a Tool for Kubernetes Cluster Management Using GitOps

  4. Microsoft Releases Application Inspector, a Tool for Examining Code Security

AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

Richard Boyd looks at how users can create infrastructure with CDK and some best practices for creating reusable components. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon London, March 2-4, 2020. Join us!

Deploy on Friday!

Jürgen Hoffmann discusses solving deployment issues, covering observability, blue/green deployment, consumer-driven contract testing, Resilience4j, Micrometer, Concourse CI + Spinnaker, and others. (Presentation)


  1. New GitHub CLI Enables Working with Issues and PRs from the Command Line

  2. Compliance and the California Privacy Act - the Empire Strikes Back

Let's Start an Epidemic

Doc Norton explores how things like disease, politics, and even moods travel through social networks, discussing the impact people have on others. (Presentation)


  1. JFR Coming to Open JDK 8

Running Spring Boot Applications as GraalVM Native Images

Andy Clement and Sébastien Deleuze share the latest status on allowing running Spring Boot applications as GraalVM-native images for instant startup and low memory consumption. (Presentation)


  1. Blazor WebAssembly Preview - Full-Stack C# Development for Web Applications

Mono: from Xamarin to WebAssembly, Blazor, and .NET 5 - Q&A with Miguel de Icaza

Mono started as an open source .NET platform in 2001, being developed by Xamarin until 2011. Since the company’s acquisition by Microsoft in 2016, both Mono and .NET Core have been developed in parallel. In the light of the most recent releases, InfoQ interviewed Miguel de Icaza —the original author of the Mono project—to talk about the current state of Mono and its future in the .NET ecosystem. (Article)

New Capabilities for .NET on Pivotal Platform

Genevieve L'Esperance and Garima Sharma cover what the Pivotal Platform offers for .NET apps, and why it can be used for cloud-native, modernized, and legacy .NET workloads. (Presentation)


  1. How to Scale a React Component - Jed Watson at React Conf 2019

Chrome 80 Released with New Cookie Policy, Module Workers and Optional Chaining

Google recently released Google Chrome 80. Chrome 80 brings important changes to its cookie policy, supports modules in workers and optional chaining in JavaScript; adds new origin trials while graduating previous origin trials; links directly to text fragments on a page with a new hashtag syntax; and more. (News)


  1. Yelp Varanus Helps Android Apps Monitor and Limit Network Traffic

  2. Swift 5.2 Brings callAsFunction, Subscript with Default Arguments, and More

  3. HiveMQ Launches Fully-Managed, Fully-Compliant MQTT 5 Service for IoT Apps

  4. Developers Can Now Get Access to Google Glass Enterprise 2

The Kongo Problem: Building a Scalable IoT Application with Apache Kafka

In this article, author Paul Brebner discusses the best practices for developing IoT projects using Apache Kafka and Kafka Streams technologies and how to maximize Kafka scalability. (Article)

Secure IoT Command, Control, and Exfil with Apache MiNiFi

Andy LoPresto discusses the need to secure IoT devices, detailing how to do that with Apache MiNiFi. (Presentation)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Dissecting Bounded Contexts: Nick Tune at DDD Europe

  2. How Serverless Impacts Design: Gojko Adzic at DDD Europe

  3. Event Sourcing Done Right - Experience from the Trenches: Dennis Doomen at DDD Europe

Fail Faster: Quick UX Design Techniques to Drive toward Success

Ash Banaszek gives simple techniques that enable people to think through multiple solutions and get unstuck from a single idea, iterate on designs, and rally the team around this process. (Presentation)

Data Modernization for Spring-Based Microservices on Pivotal Platform

Jitin Changulani and Vivek Jindgar show how individual Spring Cloud components of a data injection process can be scaled independently, as compared to the scaling of the entire stack. (Presentation)

Self-Driving Cars as Edge Computing Devices

Matt Ranney explains the architecture of Uber ATG’s self-driving cars and takes a look at how the software is developed, tested, and deployed. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Agile Companies Have Higher Employee Engagement

  2. Building a Generative Culture at Redgate: QCon London Q&A

  3. Jenkins Creator Launches ML Startup in Continuous Risk-Based Testing

Go, See & Do. A Guide to Running a Gemba Sprint

This article is a guide to organizing a Gemba sprint; a sprint where teams, leadership, and management work together with the ultimate goal of coming together as an organization. Ahmad Fahmy explores what is needed to set up a Gemba sprint, how to organize and run one and provides some dos and don'ts to make a Gemba sprint effective. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Agile Machine Learning

The book Agile Machine Learning by Eric Carter and Matthew Hurst describes how the guiding principles of the Agile Manifesto have been used by machine learning teams in data projects. It explores how to apply agile practices for dealing with the unknowns of data and inferencing systems, using metrics as the customer. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Righting Software

The book Righting Software by Juval Lowy provides a structured way to design a software system and the project to build it. Lowy proposes to use volatility-based decomposition to encapsulate changes inside the system's building blocks, and explains how to design the project in order to provide decision makers with several viable options trading schedule, cost, and risk. (Article)

Agile Leadership in Practice

Jeremy Renwick covers the practicalities across a range of topics including: Changing learnt behaviours and mental models, Empowerment, Delegation and trust, Feedback, and Organizational design. (Presentation)

Mapping Skills and Capability

Emily Webber discusses using skills and capability maps. (Presentation)

Better Living through Software at the Human Utility

Tiffani Ashley Bell tells stories and shares learnings from five years of running an organization using software and crowdfunding to protect the basic human right to water. She questions what responsibilities technologists have to society and what role technology plays in creating an equitable society. She shares how the audience can use technology to improve their communities & change the world. (Presentation with transcript included)

Managing Privacy & Data Governance for Next Generation Architecture

Ayana Miller explores a governance framework for road mapping, resourcing, and driving decision-making for next generation of architecture with privacy by design. Miller walks through the key players, requirements mapping, templates, and vendor engagement models for informed decision-making. (Presentation with transcript included)

Passion, Grace, & Fire - The Elements of High Performance

Josh Evans talks about the elements of high performance: passion, grace, fire, and what matters when trying to build and shape teams for high performance. He focuses on a period at Netflix when demands on engineering to quickly deliver multiple, parallel, large-scale technical transformations was the norm. The transformations enabled a global, scalable, reliable, successful streaming platform. (Presentation with transcript included)