TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 8, 2017

Don Jr. Is Giving Speeches for $100,000 a Pop

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Junior is the Trump son who secretly met with the Russians, not the one who stole from kids with cancer. READ MORE»

5 of the Most Regressive and Weird Laws Still in Practice in the South

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

In some states, progress is clearly not the most important priority. READ MORE»

The World Is Reeling From 'F**king Moron' And Israeli Paper Nails It In One Fell Swoop

By ursulafaw, Daily Kos

Is Trump really that stupid or is there another explanation? READ MORE»

Women's Reproductive And Workplace Rights Will Help the Economy

By Alice Pettway, AlterNet

Step one: Improve access to birth control. Step two: Decrease the wage gap. Step three: Increase GDP. READ MORE»

5 Anti-Anxiety Foods and Their Key Components to Help Calm Your Nerves

By Annie B. Bond, AlterNet

More Americans than ever before are stressed out, anxious and depressed. READ MORE»

Russia Targeted 3 Key Rust Belt States with Fake News in '16 Election

By Bob Cesca, Salon

That unlikely trifecta of states that gave Donald Trump the presidency may not have been coincidental after all. READ MORE»

America’s Biggest Divide: Winners and Losers

By Neal Gabler, Moyers & Company

America is deeply divided between those who are considered (and consider themselves) winners, and those who are considered by the winners to be losers. READ MORE»

Science May Be Able to Bring Back the Wooly Mammoth—but Should We?

By Ursula K. Heise, University of Chicago Press

De-extinction projects may succeed in bringing back vanished forms of biodiversity. READ MORE»

Here's How to Push for Gun Control

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Don't fall for the NRA's impotent little stunt to ban bump stocks. READ MORE»

7 Types Of Marijuana For Beginners And Those With Low Tolerance

By Maria Loreto, The Fresh Toast

It’s common for first timers to swear off marijuana forever because of a bad first experience. READ MORE»

Why Trumpcare Pushers Made a Mistake to Mess With the Disability Community

By Rick Hodges, OtherWords

In its efforts to drastically cut Medicaid, Congress crossed an uncommonly tough group of people. READ MORE»

Watergate Journalist Carl Bernstein Says Republicans in Congress No Longer Believe Trump Is Fit for Presidency

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

The Pulitzer Prize-winner's statement is sure to raise eyebrows. READ MORE»

Women Anonymously Share Their Best Paths to Orgasms

By Carrie Weisman, AlterNet

A group women offer some important lessons about female sexuality. READ MORE»

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