TODAY'S TOP STORIES - November 30, 2016

What 6 Top Election Experts Are Saying About the Next Big Step for the 2016 Recount

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Wisconsin judge likes hand counts, but won't order it under state law. READ MORE»

History Repeats Itself: Why Acute Financial Stress Is an All-American Story

By Dr. Galen Buckwalter, AlterNet

The life spans of middle-aged white men are taking a nose dive. READ MORE»

4 Hair-Raising Facts About Trump's Potential Homeland Security Pick

By Grace Guarnieri, Salon

Trump's potential DHS pick wants to imprison possibly 1 million at Gitmo and doesn't believe there is any police brutality. READ MORE»

The Right-Wing Movement That Swept Trump into Power Isn’t Just Breitbart and White Nationalists—It’s Way Worse

By George Michael, The Conversation

The so-called "alt-right" is likely to grow, gaining a firmer foothold in American politics. READ MORE»

Why Is the USDA Dumping Millions of Pounds of Fatty Cheese on Poor People?

By Lorraine Chow, AlterNet

Turns out, there is such a thing as too much cheese. READ MORE»

Why the Kochs Are Lovin' Trump's Cabinet Picks

By Brendan Gauthier, Salon

For all his talk about draining the swamp, there sure will be a lot of Koch confidants in Trump's Cabinet. READ MORE»

John Oliver Draws Horrifying Parallel Between the Way Trump Scammed His University Students and His Presidential Campaign

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Trump University playbook: "If they complain about the price, remind them that Trump is the best." READ MORE»

Chomsky on America's Ugly History: FDR Was Fascist-Friendly Before WWII

By Zain Raza, Noam Chomsky, Noam Chomsky's Official Site

Roosevelt once described Mussolini as "that admirable Italian gentleman."  READ MORE»

America Has Been Launching Wars and Losing Them for Virtually the Entire 21st Century

By Andrew Bacevich, TomDispatch

Time to abandon our imperial adventures. READ MORE»

Bernie Sanders: I Was 'Stunned' by the Corporate Media Blackout During Democratic Primary

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

The mainstream media largely ignored Bernie Sanders' 2016 presidential campaign. READ MORE»

Trump's Latest Cabinet Pick Sets Up a Conflict-of-Interest Extraordinaire

By Michael Arria, AlterNet

Elaine Chao's family runs a global shipping business and she is also Mitch McConnell's wife. How cozy is that!  READ MORE»

Trump Effect: Teachers Report Nearly 2,500 Cases of Bigotry and Bullying in U.S. Schools Since Election

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

Eight in 10 respondents said they were anxious and concerned for their students, especially black, Muslim and LGBT children and teens. READ MORE»

Prohibitionists Are Trying to Strike Back Against the Marijuana Landslide of 2016

By Paul Armentano, NORML

Elected officials try to undo the one bright spot of November 8th. READ MORE»

I Was a Guerrilla Girl: Unmasking the Ugly Face of Misogyny in the Arts

By Donna Kaz, Skyhorse Publishing

A rare look from inside the famous feminist activist group. READ MORE»

Here Is a Simple Act You Can Take Now to Help Stop Trump From Trashing the Earth's Climate

By Jeff Fox, State of the Net

Feeling helpless? This might help. READ MORE»

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