| Today's a great day. I'm excited (and proud) to announce the launch of The Writer's Market podcast! Writer's Market editor Robert Lee Brewer and I have been working behind the scenes to compile great publishing tips, assemble platform-building advice and interview industry professionals about everything writers need to know to get paid and build a writing career. Here's the official description: "The Writer's Market podcast, co-hosted by Writer's Digest editors Robert Lee Brewer and Brian A. Klems, covers issues that freelance writers care about, whether that's finding freelance assignments and negotiating payments or handling taxes and building a writing platform. In addition to sharing their personal experiences as writers and editors, Brewer and Klems interview publishing and media professionals to unlock the secrets of freelance writing success! This bimonthly podcast includes tip-driven segments, relatable advice and funny anecdotes from two of Writer's Digest's most popular editors." Go to the Writer's Market Podcast page. Here you can listen to episodes on the site. Or subscribe through iTunes, Android or Google Play. Plus, with each episode we get better and better. I'd love to say you were with us from the beginning. Also, April 1 is not only April Fool's Day but it's also a big deadline for two Writer's Digest events: First, it's the early bird registration deadline for the Writer's Digest Annual Conference in NYC. This is lowest admission price you can get and it goes away on Friday, so reserve your spot now. Also, April 1 is the deadline for the 24th Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards . In this competition, you can win $8,000, press inside Writer's Digest magazine, a paid trip to the 2017 Writer's Digest Conference and more. Enter now, as winning this competition could prove to be a tipping point for your self-published book. Take care of yourself and your writing, Brian A. Klems Senior Online Editor, Writer's Digest Author, Oh Boy, You're Having a Girl: A Dad's Survival Guide to Raising Daughters Twitter: @BrianKlems Follow us on Twitter Become a fan on Facebook Dialogue Course: Free Course: Learn how to write dynamic dialogue. This three-part course from Bookbaby and AutoCrit will help transform your dialogue into well-written, believable passages that readers will love. Get Access Now.
| 7 Things That Will Doom Your Novel (& How to Avoid Them) You can be creative in finding ways not to write your novel. With a little thought and not much effort, you can easily devise methods to prevent yourself from actually finishing a book-or finishing a book that has a chance to sell. So if not finishing is your goal, I'm here to help you with the following seven tips (and if you want to finish, read on to know what to avoid). Pay attention to these 7 things.
| | | New Literary Agent Alert: Elise Erickson of Harold Ober Associates New literary agents (with this spotlight featuring Elise Erickson of Harold Ober Associates) are golden opportunities for new writers because each one is a literary agent who is likely building his or her client list. Elise is seeking ...
| | 6 Things Fargo (Season 1) Can Teach Us About Writing Every other Monday, I'll be bringing you takeaways from some of the best television shows out there. These are meant to be specific concepts, themes, techniques, etc., that a writer can learn from the show. This week we'll take a look at the first season of Fargo. (Note: I'll save the second season for another post, just because I think these seasons stand alone so well.) The 6 tips you can learn are ...
How to Find (Even More) Article Ideas When it comes to freelancing, ideas are currency. This is especially true when first pitching a publication, or when you're still in the early throes of developing that editor/writer relationship. As the managing editor of Writer's Digest, far too often do query letters cross my desk like this that are stale, too broad or something we just covered. Here's how to generate better ideas that sell. To bring fresh ideas to the table you must ...
| Self-Publishing Competition
| EARLY BIRD PRICE DEADLINE: WD's 24st Annual Self-Published Book Awards Whether you're a professional writer, a part-time freelancer or a self-starting student, here's your chance to enter the premier self-published competition exclusively for self-published books. Writer's Digest hosts the 24th annual self-published competition-the Annual Self-Published Book Awards. This self-published competition, co-sponsored by Book Marketing Works, LLC spotlights today's self-published works and honors self-published authors. Early bird pricing ends Friday, April 1. Enter now to secure lowest pricing ...
How to Cope With Writer's Jealousy Stephen King said, "If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that." It's true: If you want to become a writer, you have to read authors you admire-works that you feel are better than your own. This is how you grow. Learn to cope by ...
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