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Greetings Infowarrior,

Our freedom is being dangled in front of us like a carrot.

The powers in charge promise that we’ll “return back to normal” just after we follow another one of their demands.

But here’s the thing…

What they don’t want you to know is how much power YOU really have.

They do everything they can to make you think you’re just a pawn in their game.

But it’s just not true…

If enough of us say “NO!” to their agenda…

… And if enough of us ignore their pointless demands…

They can’t control our minds.

And if they can’t control our minds, they can’t win!

Because understand, this game is all about mind control.

First, they come for your mind, then they come for your soul.

That truly is their sick and twisted goal: to take control of your soul and separate you from the power you hold with independent thought.

In order to be able to beat their mind control tactics, you need to be able to recognize them.

That’s exactly what I outline for you in excruciating detail inside of ResetWars.

So, if you don’t want to fall victim to tactics being used to control your mind…

>> Grab your spot inside of ResetWars with our new $65 payment plan…

As always, thank you for staying ahead in this information war.

- Alex Jones
