Gallerist Nick Hissom in Saint-Tropez celebrating his birthday with Kameron Ramirez and friends aboard step-father Steve Wynn’s superyacht, Aquarius...Celebrated Wellington equestrian Hannah Selleck, daughter of Tom, competing with her horse, Cloud, in the Queens Cup in Canada...Nicola and Jeff Marcus taking a break from Aspen while celebrating their anniversary in Bonifacio...Rod Stewart and Penny Lancaster relaxing in Marbella following six sold out performances in the UK and Spain...Alina de Almeida and John Paulson seen chatting with friends on Main Street in Southampton...Eleanora Kennedy proudly watching her thoroughbreds compete in Ireland, Bahrain, and Royal Ascot...Nicole Coste, mother of Prince Albert of Monaco's eldest son, joining the royal family at the Monaco Red Cross Ball...Aerin Lauder hosting a dinner celebrating the latest cover of Architectural Digest at her Wainscott home, which formerly belonged to grandmother Estée...Philanthropist Daisy Soros hosting the Norton Museum’s Ghislain d’Humières and Nicolas Raubertas in Nantucket. |