Plus: Cortisol levels as predictors of diabetes; AI point/counterpoint
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May 5, 2020 : DCMS #500

TOP STORIES - Diabetes News & Research

Point-Counterpoint: Using Software to Determine the Best Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

A1C levels are Indicators of Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation

Cortisol Levels in Patients with Obesity Predict Hypertension and Diabetes
Letter from the Editor

Almost 20 years ago Steve and I put out issue number one of DiabetesInControl. Things were a lot different then and we all had time to read a lot more information. About 10 years ago we started sending out a second weekly newsletter with a little different twist.

This week we are proud to present our 500th issue of this Tuesday’s newsletter, and in keeping with our goal of being timely and a little bit different, we are presenting Part 5 on the use of AI to manage diabetes.

We are offering a different angle from a notable physician who is not in favor of AI for managing patients. Take a look at the point/counterpoint and let me know what you think.


We can make a difference!


Dave Joffe


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TOP STORIES - Diabetes News and Research

Point-Counterpoint: Using Software to Determine the Best Type 2 Diabetes Treatment
In the last four issues, we discussed a new software that can go through over 6 million possible treatments using anywhere from 1 to 5 drugs for an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes. Along with determining the best treatment for the patient, it includes the ability to put in what the patient can afford in their budget. Dr. John Interlandi, one of our readers, has submitted a counterpoint to using this software to decide the best treatment options. Dr. Interlandi shares his concerns about the use of AI in medical decision making.  
A1C levels are Indicators of Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation
Coronary atherosclerotic plaques can be identified early, but specific risk factors are not fully understood.  
Cortisol Levels in Patients with Obesity Predict Hypertension and Diabetes
Researchers may have found a new way to detect hypertension and diabetes in people with obesity: an alteration in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. 


#1 Renal Disease Impact On Long-Term Metformin Use

#2 Did You Know? Metformin, along with dozens of drugs, may have promise against COVID-19

#3 Why Covid-19 Kills Those with Diabetes
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Your Friends in Diabetes Care
Steve and Dave
Diabetes In Control
810 Bear Tavern Road Suite 102
Ewing, NJ, 08628
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