Both sides in a closely watched legal battle over race-conscious admissions made closing arguments in federal court on Wednesday. The judge heard allegations of discrimination — and several Orwell references.
It will take the Ohio university 20 years to return to the fiscal strength it held earlier in the decade. What went wrong? The answer is a mix of spending and scandal. PREMIUM
The university system commissioned a Gallup survey after a liberal graduate student berated a conservative undergrad. Among other things, Gallup found that some students — and faculty members — were anxious about speaking their minds.
A new report on race and ethnicity from the American Council on Education finds gaps in achievement and borrowing for black students particularly alarming.
Student success is a major institutional priority, but the uncomfortable truth is that helping more students thrive is hard. Our new in-depth report lays out guiding principles to jump-start student-success efforts or take them to the next level. Purchase a copy in the Chronicle Store.