After several days of deliberation by the university system’s regents, Wallace D. Loh, the flagship’s chancellor, announced plans to resign in June 2019. Both the athletic director and the football coach will stay in their jobs.
Alondra Nelson, president of the Social Science Research Council, discusses negotiating access to Facebook and building a new scholarly infrastructure for the big-data era.
What key shifts in higher education do you think will emerge next year? What issues should college leaders be getting ready to grapple with? Send us your suggestions for our fifth annual Trends Report.
Colleges face growing demands to hire more minority faculty members. But doing so requires revamping how search committees usually operate, confronting unconscious bias, and improving the Ph.D. pipeline. This collection examines how colleges are changing to bolster their faculty ranks with more people from underrepresented minority groups. Get your copy in the Chronicle store.
Failing to educate the next generation of citizens on the role of religion in our democracy is like failing to teach doctors how the circulatory system works.
If colleges want to make good on their promises to prepare students for the world beyond the classroom, they should use methods that teach digital skills safely and ethically.
Ben Yagoda recalls his reaction to a joke he heard in college, and is ashamed.
Paid for and Created by Huron A Paradigm Shift Students are questioning the idea that a college degree will deliver the skills required to compete in tomorrow’s job market.
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