Sentiment in the markets sinks again after Russian President Vladimir Putin put Russia's nuclear deterrent on high alert on Sunday, in response to unprecedented sanctions by the West, including blocking Russian banks from SWIFT. Meanwhile, Ukraine is holding on to defending from Russian invasion, with increasing support from Europeans and others in the world. Asian markets are trading notably lower, but losses are "relatively" limited, while US futures also tank. Gold and oil jump but both are held below last week's highs. Dollar is leading Yen and Swiss Franc higher while Euro is under most pressure. But most major pairs and crosses are held inside last week's wide range for now. Technically, we'll keep an eye on EUR/CHF for today. 1.0277 temporary low is back in radar with today's gap down. Overall, recent down trend is expected to continue with 1.0459 resistance intact. Break of 1.0277 will confirm down trend resumption. That might be followed by break of 1.1105 temporary low in EUR/USD and 127.90 temporary low in EUR/JPY. In Asia, at the time of writing, Nikkei is down -0.04%. Hong Kong HSI is down -1.24%. China Shanghai SSE is down -0.10%. Singapore Strait Times is down -2.05%. Japan 10-year JGB yield is down -0.0182 at 0.190. |