Present Adjustable Roof Opening Support Frames Made Easy
Welded No Structural Calculations More Expensive Slow Install Sub Out Steel Guy Fixed in Place, Cut It If It's Wrong Call a Contractor and Wait Requires a Welder
Not Welded Pre-engineered for Loads Less Expensive Fast Install Do It Yourself, Mechanical Contractor Field Adjustable In Stock at Air Flow (probably) Requires a Impact Driver or Wrench (and a tape measure)
This one’s a no-brainer for you, mechanical contractor. No marketing tactics required. Follow these instructions: Register for meeting Attend meeting Make life easier for yourself Save labor and time on install Avoid costly re-dos. Add scope dollars into your pocket Get in and off projects faster
When: (two Zoom meetings, same program different times) Tuesday, August 11th, 10:00 am CST Tuesday, August 11th, 2:00 pm CST