Care2 Causes

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Talk about gratitude. How far would you swim to reunite with the person who saved your life? For one penguin who found himself in a sticky situation...
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Following in the footsteps of the pro-business members of the California Coastal Commission who ousted its pro-environment director in February, last week...
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These rescued raccoons spent their early days recovering in an outdoor cage. Now, they experience freedom for the first time -- and head straight for the...
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While it seems like a really dangerous and not-too-bright thing to do, many birds in Florida’s Everglades intentionally build their nests on trees...
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Thank South Dakota Gov. Daugaard for Vetoing Anti-Trans Bill!
signatures: 33846
created by: Sarah Rose
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A new study from the Department of Education has identified a troubling trend: American high school graduates perform much more poorly on measures of...
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If you follow Kansas politics at all – or even if you don’t – it probably won’t come as a surprise that the political branches of...
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Stories of immigration detention centers are already upsetting enough, but can you imagine how traumatic it must be for legitimate U.S. citizens to be put...
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While President Obama and Congress face a showdown over the next Supreme Court nominee, there's another judicial appointment battle brewing -- this time...
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Last month news surfaced that Indonesia's government had banned LGBT-themed icons from use in online messaging services. As it turns out, this was just...
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The U.S. government has finally agreed to release their statistics on those killed by drone strikes since 2009. The announcement from Lisa Monaco, a top...
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Just two weeks ago, I wrote here that more than 190,000 Care2 members had signed a petition created by Austin Dean, demanding that pop star Kesha not be...
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California has been invaded. The Golden State’s agricultural fields, water-sucking golf courses, homes, gardens and freeway entrances have all been...
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Since 1911, California voters have been able to directly ask their fellow citizens to vote on issues via ballot initiatives. Prior to that, only the...
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