“It’s an abomination to God, the Culture of Death. … God [is] the only one who has a right to create life and call it forth to Himself. The only one! You don’t have a right. I don’t have a right. Nobody has a right to call death upon someone God has called to life.”
– Mother Mary Angelica, foundress of EWTN
Dear John,
Do you believe in a Culture of Life? Do you believe that God created us? Do you believe that we should defend life from conception until natural death?
If you do, we hope that you will make a stand for life today by signing the Pro-Life Declaration.
As Christians, we believe in the dignity of the lives of unborn children, the sick and disabled, the elderly, and people of all races and ethnicities. We know that everyone has value because God made each one of us in His image.
When you sign the Pro-Life Declaration, you are saying that you believe that life is a gift from God, and no person has the right to take this gift away.
We also hope that you will make a donation so that EWTN can continue our mission of sharing the Truth to all nations. This message includes unwavering support for life in all stages, womb to tomb.
At the Annunciation, Our Blessed Mother gave her Fiat, saying “Yes” to becoming the mother of God. Following her example, we can continually say “yes” to life and “yes” to God.
This is why I am asking you to affirm, or reaffirm, your support for life today by signing the Pro-Life Declaration. You can sign the declaration here: ewtn.com/may.
At EWTN, the message of life has always been important. Mother Angelica spoke out frequently on behalf of all lives, and we have continued her mission with programs such as EWTN Pro-Life Weekly.
It is because of the grace of God and your donations that we are able to continue this work of evangelization. With each gift, you are helping to share the message of life to a dark and confused world. You are saying “yes” in a society that says “no.” You are proclaiming God’s Truth to the nations.
Thank you for your support of life. May God bless you.
Sincerely in Christ,
Your EWTN Family
EWTN 5817 Old Leeds Rd Irondale AL 35210 Update your email preferences to choose the types of emails you receive.