Always Grateful From Chicken Soup for the Soul: Life Lessons from the Cat By Valerie Archual Cats choose us; we don't own them. ~Kristin Cast My days always started with a two to four mile run on a nearby greenway. For about two years, I had a very faithful running buddy. I could count on him to be waiting at the white wooden fence come rain, snow, sleet or hail. This giant, orange tabby cat was probably the most social feline I had ever encountered. It was remarkable for a stray. He would see me cresting the hill and join in, running alongside me for about a quarter-mile until he meowed enough to get me to stop and pet him. I'd give him a stroke on the back, and then he would flop over for a belly rub. A few minutes later, when I would attempt to resume my run, he would wind around my ankles to keep me longer. I was a pushover, so it worked. (Keep reading) |