Apple is killing Google in one key area After a disastrous Pixel 6 pre-order experience, Jack Wallen shares his thoughts on what Google can learn from Apple. JavaScript programming is a core competency vital to the development of modern interactive websites. This hiring kit includes a job description that outlines the skills, experience, and knowledge to look for when hiring a JavaScript developer, along wi... | Today's recommended downloads | (TechRepublic Premium) (TechRepublic Premium) (TechRepublic Academy) (TechRepublic Academy) (TechRepublic Premium) |
Mobile device security policy More and more users are conducting business on mobile devices. This can be due to increases in remote workers, travel, global workforces, or just being on-the-go. This TechRepublic Premium policy provides guidelines for mobile device security needs in order to protect businesses and their employees from security threats. Connect with TechRepublic |