January 3, 2020  I   View in Browser

Today's Top Stories

Could the U.S. Land a Quick Trade Deal With the U.K.?  
Could the U.S. Land a Quick Trade Deal With the U.K.?

The chief ag negotiator says a bi-lateral trade deal with the United Kingdom could come very quickly once the country exits the European Union.

Texas Rancher Measures 100-Plus Inches of Rainfall  
Texas Rancher Measures 100-Plus Inches of Rainfall

A south Texas rancher reports he measured more than 100 inches of rainfall in each of the last two years. That’s about 2.5 times more than the annual average for the area.

Connect with Women in Agriculture Making a Difference  
Connect with Women in Agriculture Making a Difference

Speakers at Executive Women in Ag are industry leaders passionate about agriculture. Find information in Chicago Jan. 28-30 to achieve your farm, business and professional goals from speakers who have "been there, done that" and are sharing what they learned along the way.

ARC Versus PLC: Don’t Leave Money on the Table  
ARC Versus PLC: Don’t Leave Money on the Table

In the next few weeks, you have an important decision to make. Should you choose Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) or Price Loss Coverage (PLC)? Your choice lasts through 2021. Signup ends March 15, 2020.

Farm Tax Network  
Farm Tax Network

We hope everyone had a great Holiday time with friends and family. Our first post of the new decade will provide information on our Farm Tax Network (FTN).

Is Hemp a Good Fit for Your Farm  
Is Hemp a Good Fit for Your Farm

Find out at the upcoming Farm Journal Hemp Summit in Chicago, Jan. 27-28. Spend two days getting your agronomic, legal and marketing questions about industrial hemp answered with top industry experts. Register now.

Mark Faust: Culture Eats People for Breakfast  
Mark Faust: Culture Eats People for Breakfast

You are in a battle for the best people in the marketplace. To get them you need to be the best workplace. To be a great place to work you need a compelling culture.

Join our $100 Ideas Club  
Join our $100 Ideas Club

Think you have an idea worth $100 – or even $200? Submit it here! Upon publication in Farm Journal, the Double Your Money winner receives $200. Other farmers featured receive $100 each. Send us what you’ve got!

Justin Sexten: Improving On Average  
Justin Sexten: Improving On Average

Which is more financially advantageous on your ranch if the average is the same, uniformity from top to bottom or bottom-end discounts offset by premiums from top-end excellence?

Green lake County, Wisconsin  
Green lake County, Wisconsin

Well, so glad 2019 is in the rear view today. East Central WI. Corn yields were all over the board. The only things that were common were low test and high moisture. Beans fared a little bit better but moisture was high. With the late corn harvest, the variety of corn made a difference from a stand ability issues. Lets all hope for a normal year this year but it's starting off here with tomorrow being in the upper 40s and a chance of rain. Lets hope for better crop prices and less headaches in the field.




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