Hi John, WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange has started his own personal Twitter account, with the very first tweet seeking to scotch widely circulating rumours of his death.
Yahoo! says that it may have been affected by a data breach that occurred between 2015 and 2016, but has not offered any indication of the number of users who may be affected. Meanwhile, Verizon and Yahoo! are reportedly nearing an agreement that could see the price that the former pays for the latter reduced by about US$250 million. Things are not so rosy in Telstra land. The dominant carrier’s half-yearly profits have dropped by 14.4% and its revenue has fallen by 3.6%, according to an announcement on today. The city of Munich, which moved its systems to Linux many years ago, is now thinking of moving back to Windows 10, following the arrival of a mayor who got Microsoft to move its German corporate headquarters to Munich. Ericsson has launched a 5G platform with a prediction that in 10 years there will be a massive US$582 billion global market opportunity as telecom operators leverage 5G technology for industry digitalisation. And of course, there's plenty more so for all the news visit www.itwire.com. Have a great day! Stan Beer, Editor in Chief, iTWire ADVERTISE IN THIS NEWSLETTER & iTWire.com Contact: andrew.matler@itwire.com 0412 390 000
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