Conservatives spent their annual conference trying to stitch their phobic panic of a resurgent left onto Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign.
60 Minutes Celebrates a War CriminalWhy did the CBS program ignore a historic Afghanistan cease-fire to profile Eddie Gallagher, the Trump-pardoned Navy SEAL? By ADAM WEINSTEIN
A Whiff of WeimarIs Germany in danger of repeating its Nazi past? By ADRIAN DAUB
Faith MilitantHow today’s religious right functions as a shadow political party By KATHERINE STEWART
Nationalizing the Power Industry Isn’t RadicalThe United States has a long history of nationalizing in times of crisis. Bernie Sanders’s publicly owned clean power proposal is actually pretty tame. By KATE ARONOFF
Lena Waithe Insists on IrreverenceHer semi-autobiographical comedy, Twenties, is both about making it in Hollywood and about what makes good black art. By JENNIFER WILSON