This flogging class will cover basics, safety, psychology and philosophy with a focus on the experiences of pleasure and pain that you can create at increasing levels of intensity. Prior experience with flogging is not required, but may be helpful.
PARTY ETIQUETTE & NEGOTIATION This is the first offering of an experimental new course by Avatar: Play Party Etiquette & Negotiation. Based on frequent, similar questions form new guests or men that are curious about our events, we have created this program to answer your questions. Go into a dungeon event knowing what to expect, how to navigate the event and play well with others in a busy dungeon In this program we'll discuss basics of negotation, with a focus on encounters with a partner you've just met at the play event, bar, etc. We will have Role-play negotation scenarios that will occur so you will find out what works best for you in a safe environment! (Each session is charged separately)