Good morning, Marketer, and which comes first…trust or experience? Good experience gives customers what they want, bringing them closer to a sale, seamlessly. And that builds trust because it lets a customer know that the brand understands. Take this new study from Oracle, created in partnership with Brent Leary at CRM Essentials. It says that 37% of consumers trust social media influencers over brands. Also, 84% of Gen Z has purchased products in direct response to social media content, compared to only 46% of Boomers. If Gen Z is an audience for your brand, don’t be offended. Most Gen Zers know that you’re giving the influencer perks in exchange for brand love. They may even have as a life goal to be a big enough creator one day to do the same. The main task at hand, though, is for brand, influencer and social platform to make it seamless for the consumer to do what they want, which is to buy easily. Younger consumers have plenty of trust to go around. They just want you to give them the buy button. Chris Wood, Editor |