Picky-eater approved breakfast recipes the whole family will love!
Back to school breakfast basics
The kids are heading back to school in-person this year, and you're wondering what in the world you used to feed them every morning? Fear not! We've rounded up a couple make-in-advance, picky-eater-approved breakfast recipes that are sure to make those hectic mornings go just a little bit smoother.

Not a parent? No worries, these mornings meals are tasty to all humans!
probiotic overnight oats
Creamy and satisfying overnight oats get an extra boost of protein, calcium, and probiotics thanks to our Redwood Hill Farm Goat Milk Kefir! Kefir is an ancient and nutritious drinkable yogurt that helps keep tummies full until lunchtime.
Spiced kefir muffins
We'll admit, sometimes it's nice to have a breakfast that is equally convenient as it is good for you. Not only does the Goat Milk Kefir in these muffins lend some added protein, but it also makes them ultra-moist and a tasty option for the whole family.