Proudly American. Fiercely Independent.
Why am I getting this?
June 23, 2022
Biden ignores Iran nuclear build-up
Here are some of our other top stories this week:
[The gall!] Imagine saying THIS directly to Bill O'Reilly's face [Sponsored]
GOP senator seriously injured, faces amputation
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has meltdown after election loss (update)
In stunning move, Dr. Oz ditches Trump
Dear Reader,
I've brought along a must-see Bill O’Reilly exclusive interview…

No, the interviewee isn't Donald J. Trump, aka the 45th president, who joined O'Reilly's recent History Tour across the country...
Rather, the subject in this particular interview had the audacity to tell O’Reilly… 
To his face… 
There’s going to be more wealth created in the next two years [of the Biden Presidency]… than in the past 20 years combined.” 
Just wait until you see O’Reilly’s reaction.    
>>>Prepare to be wowed. Click here (or on the play button below)

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Rachel Gearhart
Associate Publisher, The Oxford Club
P.S. I’m so glad we’ve got the connections to bring you this video link today.
You won’t find this in the mainstream news. 
Yet it’s a MUST-SEE.
I do urge you to hear this O'Reilly's interviewee out. That's because he's been remarkably accurate on stock market predictions in the past.
In fact, during the interview, O'Reilly says that JUST ONE of this guy's stock recommendations - which is up more than 421% since '03 - helped put O'Reilly's own kids through college. Details here.