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February 15, 2021

Alabama Politics
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Biden looks to end Trump immigration deal with Alabama, other states
The Trump-era deals promised six months’ heads-up on federal immigration policy changes, meaning the states would have had half a year’s notice on Biden’s 100-day deportation chill and the chance to weigh in.
By Tim Henderson (TNS) and Tribune Media Services
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9/11-style inquiry into US Capitol riot likely after Trump acquittal
“We need a 9/11 commission to find out what happened and make sure it never happens again.”
By The Associated Press
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Donald Trump looking to reassert himself after impeachment acquittal, plans to do interviews in coming weeks
Now acquitted in his second Senate impeachment trial, Trump is preparing for the next phase of his post-presidency life.
By The Associated Press
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Alabama one of several states targeting transgender kids, their doctors
At least 16 states are considering measures that would affect transgender athletes or those seeking treatment for gender dysphoria — the persistent and distressing feeling that one’s gender is different from the sex noted on the person’s birth certificate.
By Cindy Loose Kaiser Health News (TNS) and Tribune Media Services
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Two-faced McConnell, Senate GOP chickens have blood on their feet and feathers
McConnell uses impeachment trial to play chicken with Mitch McConnell
By J.D. Crowe |
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3 years after Parkland, Biden asks Congress for background checks, other gun control measures
The president is seeking a ban on assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines, as well as the ability to hold gun manufacturers liable for the role their products play in violence.
By The Associated Press
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