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| If you could only trade ONE ticker for the rest of your life… What would it be? MSFT? AAPL? AMZN? For me, it’s hard to say… But for top trader — Lance Ippolito — he’s ALL IN on TSLA… |
That’s because it’s given folks like us a shot to target money-doubling returns every six days. I don’t know any other stocks that have the potential to do that. But thanks to a new market anomaly studied by Princeton, Vanderbilt, and even the SEC… We can now target gains of around 100% or more — from Tesla — on a weekly basis... In fact, his research shows it’s happened 23 times over the last year… |
President Biden's weekend optimism about the economy seems to have backfired as Wall Street witnessed sharp declines on Tuesday. The stock market took a nosedive, facing its worst loss in nearly a year following a disappointing report on inflation.
Biden's tweet over the weekend, hailing the stock market's strength as a sign of confidence in America's economy, now seems to haunt him amidst the market turmoil. As the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted by 524 points and the Nasdaq composite sank by 1.8%, high-growth stocks like technology giants Microsoft and Amazon took a notable hit.
With Biden's economic optimism seemingly at odds with Wall Street's reality, one can't help but wonder: Will the president's tweets continue to have an impact on market trends, or is this just a momentary blip? |
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2023 was the year of Nvidia, and everyone is still asking whether it's still a smart buy.
Here's the better question:
"Are any companies poised to take market share from Nvidia?"
If I'm right, it could be the next Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, or Google, all of which I recommended when they were trading at pennies on the dollar.
Rather than putting all your money into Nvidia and hoping for a repeat of its wild 2023 returns, we suggest you take a look at this stock.
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| Are you tired of your 401(k) losing money? Are you tired of paying penalties to access your retirement funds when in need? If so, keep reading… If you want to hit your 2024 financial goals faster, you may want to think twice before investing in a 401(k) plan. Sounds crazy right? Well, our average client who uses this advice is able to retire much quicker than the typical hard-working American who doesn’t use this system. |
401(k)’s have 2 primary problems: Low liquidity with high fees—your cash is trapped! Limited investment opportunities—earn in only one place at a time. Imagine using your money multiple times, earning interest simultaneously in different places. It's not just a dream; the wealthy do it all the time. Gain easy access to your invested money, just like the bankers. Don't miss out on the financial transformation you've been waiting for! |
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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative |
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