This is how we win back Net Neutrality.

Free Press Action

I have some BIG news to share from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) here in D.C.:

The FCC officially voted to start a process to restore Title II oversight of the broadband industry, the sound legal foundation Net Neutrality is built on!

And you guessed it: The usual suspects representing the likes of AT&T, Comcast and Verizon are bombarding the media with disinformation about Net Neutrality and the regulatory framework needed for the FCC to protect people like you from ISP abuses.

We’re not gonna let them win. Rush your first gift of $10 or any amount to Free Press Action to help us plan for a BIG campaign to flood the agency with public comments in support of an open internet. A generous donor is still matching ALL gifts, so your donation today will have double the impact:

We know what this fight takes. Free Press Action helped mobilize millions of people across the country to fight for an open internet in 2014, building a movement that united grassroots activists, racial-justice leaders, technologists, students, artists and millions of internet users that pushed then-FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler to abandon industry-friendly proposals and enact Title II Net Neutrality protections. While the Trump FCC overturned those same rules in 2017, we put up a huge fight, organizing hundreds of protests nationwide — including 700 in a single day.

With a fully functioning FCC in place, Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel now has the votes needed to restore the agency’s rightful authority to protect internet users — but we can’t let up for a single second while industry lobbyists and their supporters on Capitol Hill crank up the Title II myth machine.

Free Press Action doesn't take a cent from business, government or political parties — we rely on supporters like you donating a few dollars at a time. And right now, we need your help as we mount a grassroots campaign to win back the open-internet protections we NEED. Will you support the next stage of this fight for Net Neutrality by becoming a donor to Free Press Action? Your gift today will go twice as far.

Thanks for your support,

Heather and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. The FCC is officially moving to restore Net Neutrality and its Title II authority to referee high-speed internet providers. We need your help to launch the biggest grassroots campaign possible to win: Give today and a donor will match your donation.

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