TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 29, 2017

Exclusive: Seymour Hersh Dishes on New Exposé Upending the Official Story About Trump and Syrian Chemical Attacks

By Ken Klippenstein, AlterNet

The veteran investigative reporter is turning the narrative upside down with his latest investigation. READ MORE»

Progressives and Democrats Make Coast-to-Coast Protest Push to Finish off Trump's Assault on Health Care

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

As Mitch McConnell scrambles for votes in the US Senate, protesters target Republican senators in 10 states. READ MORE»

Very Dangerous Times: The Media Is Under Attack by an Authoritarian White House

By Adele M. Stan, The American Prospect

There’s a reason the Founders enshrined the press as the one profession specifically protected in the Bill of Rights. READ MORE»

Bill Moyers: All of Donald Trump's Lies

By Bill Moyers,

This weekend, the New York Times printed every lie Donald Trump has told since taking office. The effort deserves the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. READ MORE»

Israel Is Using NFL Legends as Unwitting Pawns in an Insidious New Propaganda Campaign

By Robert Silverman, AlterNet

Players are being paraded as "model gladiators," with the league's tacit approval. READ MORE»

At Last the World Is United—in Hating and Fearing One Man

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Health care? Syria? News that people on six continents hate him? Never mind! Trump just wants to bash the media. READ MORE»

Republicans No Longer Fear 'Paper Tiger' Trump as His Approval Rating Continues to Plummet

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

“When you have a 35 percent approval rating and you’re under FBI investigation, you don’t have a hammer." READ MORE»

Security Firm Hired to Counter Standing Rock Water Protectors May Have Been Operating Illegally

By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet

The paramilitary security firm was hired to "guard" the Dakota Access pipeline from peaceful water protectors.  READ MORE»

How the Student Loan Industry Is Helping Trump Destroy American Democracy

By Binta Baxter, AlterNet

Student loan servicers are engaged in economic terrorism, and DeVos is only making it worse. READ MORE»

Christian Right Inventor of Highly Controversial Texas 'Heartbeat' Abortion Law Announces It Could Go to Congress

By Kyle Mantyla, Right Wing Watch

Janet Porter: “We actually have the opportunity to end it in nearly every case for every child whose heartbeat can be heard.”  READ MORE»

My Blog No Longer Accepts Comments, Thanks to GMO Trolls

By Marion Nestle, EcoWatch

The trolls have defeated me. READ MORE»

Getting High the Canadian Way: 10 Tips for Reducing the Harms of Marijuana Use

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Public health experts from north of the border don't want you to use pot, but have some suggestions if you insist on it. READ MORE»

Jackson, Miss. Mayor-Elect Chokwe Lumumba: I Plan to Build the 'Most Radical City on the Planet'

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

"Jackson is going to be a city which protects human rights for human beings." READ MORE»

Wonder Woman Is an Excellent Film, but Will It Inspire Viewers to Take Action?

By Jeremy Sherman, AlterNet

Believing in oneself is not what makes us good; it often makes us powerfully bad. READ MORE»

Reports of Nasty Side Effects From Cosmetics Are Way up, and a Single Hair Company May Be to Blame

By Sara Chodosh, Popular Science

You probably don’t realize how unsafe your shampoo could be.  READ MORE»

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