Wake Up. Kick Bowel Cancer's Ass. Repeat. Big thanks to everyone who helped us raise awareness of bowel cancer in women this March. This month we celebrated all the kick ass Aussie women living with or beyond bowel cancer. Women who have been recently diagnosed, are just starting treatment, doing everything you can to kick bowel cancer's ass every day with stage 1, 2, 3 or 4, living with advanced disease, now beyond bowel cancer, and all the special women we remember in our hearts. You are all kick ass in your own way, and we thank you for helping us to kick bowel cancer's butt - by telling your stories, making comments, liking, sharing and helping to raise awareness by spreading the word with family, friends, colleagues and in your local community. Everyday Bowel Cancer Australia is working to kick bowel cancer's ass, and we appreciate your help. Please do continue to help us save lives and improve the health and wellbeing of people living with bowel cancer - by spreading the word and using our kick ass resources. Special thanks to all our 2020 Kick Ass Awareness Advocates: Anita J, Bianca H, Christina A, Corinne D, Danielle W, Elizabeth E, Emma G, Felicity M, Jeanne H, Keely M, Kym B, Leah W, Lisa A, Loreley S, Margaret M, Maureen W, Melody C, Neril D, Rhiana T, Sally R, Shantelle D, and Stephanie K. |