Can we count on you?
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MIT OpenCourseWare

Dear John,

With only a few weeks left in the year, OCW needs your support

All year long educators, independent learners, and university and high school students like Mason know they can count on OCW: 

“OCW has let me supplement my community college courses with more rigor and intensity, and helped me to independently study courses not offered here. I wouldn't be nearly as confident in my reasoning and mathematical abilities as I am now without MIT OCW.

Every high school student who is highly motivated, but can't access sufficient resources through their school, should use OCW. It can be used to enhance your understanding of science and push you to your limits.” -Mason, university student, US

Now as the year winds down, we’re hoping we can count on you to support OCW so that we can continue to be there for every motivated learner.

This time of year is always a period of great generosity from our community of learners like you. Please consider donating to OCW if you have the means before the year is over.

Thank you for your support.  

Best regards, 

Krishna Rajagopal
Dean for Digital Learning
William A. M. Burden Professor of Physics

Please remember OCW in your end-of-year giving.
Why does OCW need my support?
OCW is part of MIT Open Learning's efforts to transform teaching and learning at MIT and beyond.
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