You may feel frustrated by the way others react to your ideas today. Perhaps they are challenging what you have to say and not responding in ways you expected. Rather than becoming upset by their reactions, you may want to listen to their feedback. You don't have to agree with them or modify your ideas to accommodate their opinions. If you can remain detached as you hear them today, they may offer you valuable insight. Remember that the way people feel about what you have to say has nothing to do with the validity of your ideas. Thank them for sharing their opinions, allow their input to serve your process, and move on.

We can make the most of people's feedback by listening to what they have to say. It can be easy to become defensive when people offer their opinions about our ideas. Their feedback tends to taken on magnified importance, and we can begin to see their approval -- or lack of approval -- as acceptance or rejection. If we can remain detached and remind ourselves that their opinion may not necessarily have any bearing on what's true for us, we can take what's best about their feedback and leave the rest. People have valuable insight to offer if we can hear what they are saying and not worry about what they think of us. Be open to valuable feedback, and your ideas will grow from being exposed to people.