I became a member of Costco shopping warehouses a few years ago. On my very first visit, I found some wasabi-flavored almonds that interested me. They were great, so I bought them again when I ran out. Then one day I experienced what veteran Costco shoppers know well: They were gone, replaced by Korean BBQ flavored almonds. Trust me, those are not the same. This is a minor annoyance, I know. The greater issue is change. I can always learn new things and roll with the punches, but there is a comfort that comes with knowing that some aspects of my life are locked into place and set on “repeat.” That’s why I understand the frustration some readers have expressed to me over some formatting and navigation changes we made recently to our online newspaper product. This is an electronic version of our eight printed papers across Michigan, with many distinct advantages over print:
It’s published 7 days a week, 365 days per year, versus 2 to 4 days per week for our printed papers. It’s got a lot of extra content over what we put in the printed version.We can get late-breaking news and sports into each day’s edition. The subscription is up to 40 percent less expensive than a print subscription. (Print subscribers get access to the online version as part of their subscription.)With our upgraded version, readers now have the ability to save/bookmark articles – and now can search archived editions. The archive has been expanded from 30 editions to an unlimited number.I get feedback from readers who recognize and appreciate those advantages to the online newspaper. However, at the beginning of January our company moved to a new vendor for the product. The upside is that it will allow us to roll out updates and improvements going forward. The downside for some readers is that the switch brought with it changes in how to navigate the pages, such as arrows and icons being moved, as well as the need to learn new actions for functions such as increasing or decreasing page size. Based on reader feedback, we have added the ability to “lock in” a viewing size so it remains in place while you turn pages. As I began to hear complaints from some readers, I dove into the editions myself, via both a web browser on my computer and through the app we have available for each of our eight newspaper titles. I found the changes to be relatively modest and the new navigation to be intuitive. One positive thing when I used the app was that it offered several screens of tutorial graphics pointing to new formats, placement of icons, instructions on navigating, sharing, printing and more. There’s even a helpful glossary of terms. It wasn’t like learning a new language or studying for a math test. And the best thing is that each day, it became more “normal.” Here are some helpful tips to improve the experience: Always make sure you are registered on our site through your email address or by using Google, Facebook or Apple. Being in a logged-in state reduces a lot of common issues readers bring to my attention. Download the newspaper-specific app for your smartphone or tablet via the Apple App Store or Google Play. Search by newspaper name and it will pop right up. Once you load the app, you’ll be immediately greeted by tutorial slides. If you read the online paper on your computer browser, disable ad- and pop-up blockers for optimal performance. Also, make sure to open the “user guide” available in the browser edition. Questions? Each of our eight editions will list a specific customer service phone number, or you can email your concern to digitalservice@mlive.com. Each morning, you’ll receive an email from us telling you that the online edition is available. Simply click the link in the email and presto, you’ll be right into the edition. If you’re not receiving this email, contact our customer service. While I don’t discount those who have shared frustrations in the transition, I am also encouraged by those who are getting used to a new, slightly different routine. Such as Dee from Grand Rapids: “I have to admit I was scared when you guys announced the new and improved digital format. But I have to tell ya, you nailed it! I grumbled a little the first day, but by the next day I had to admit it was better. Still love my paper Press best but I really love the improvements to the digital edition! Great job!" We at MLive appreciate every reader who subscribes to support our journalism. That’s why I encourage you to tell us how we can improve. Your input and suggestions are going to help us make refinements to the online newspaper to improve your reading satisfaction. If you’re not yet a subscriber, check out our current pricing offers here. # # # |