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Cheap Flights: Austin or San Antonio to/from New Orleans $98-$118 r/t [May, Aug-Oct] – Southwest
April 30, 2024
Southwest has round-trip flights from Austin or San Antonio (AUS, SAT) to New Orleans (MSY) for $98-$118, NONSTOP or with a connection. $49-$59 each-way. Flights are in May and also August to October. Origin/Destination reversible. Austin has Friday departures and Monday returns available for $59 each-way. Other days of the week vary in price, but the midweek is cheapest. San Antonio has less weekend availability and the route has a stop. Flight times vary depending on the date selected, most availability is either early in the morning or later in the evening. Carry-on and checked bag are allowed for free. Southwest doesn’t charge change fees.
Click here for more details and booking links...

Here are some tips that should save you some cash on your next vacation.

  • Rent a car for cheaper by using Priceline's "Express Deals". The rental car company will be hidden until after you purchase, but this allows those companies to undercut the published rate indirectly. You can remove low quality companies from those hidden results. The trick is to use the quality filter on their website to remove any rental car company with a review rating under 7.0 and then pick the deals that survive the filter.
  • Use Tripadvisor to create a Hotel "short list". First, plug in your dates and destination. Then select "Sort by Traveler Ranked". Finally, select the "Traveler Ranking" filter to show "only 4* and up". Use this resulting "short list" of hotels to find the cheapest one with a high ranking.
  • Hotel rates for Weekend dates are usually higher than the rates for Sunday through Thursday. Tripadvisor has a color-coded date calendar, red when the average hotel price for that day is more expensive, green for less expensive. You can use this to get an overview of what dates in the month are at a discount.
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