Hi John, Turning the phrase "Netflix and Chill" on its head, Finder says that buffering issues experienced by those watching streaming media services are suffering from "Netflix and freeze".
Greater regulatory scrutiny of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin must become a priority as they continue to play an increasingly normalised role for investors, according to Nigel Green, the CEO and founder of independent global financial advisory organisation de Vere Group. End-to-end encrypted messaging platform WhatsApp has put off privacy changes it planned, after pushback from users who have been moving over to Signal and Telegram in droves. Small businesses have been among the hardest hit by COVID-19 in Australia but new research on the impact on their operations shows SMEs nationwide have adapted swiftly to the challenges by embracing digital commerce. In its last days, the Trump administration has revoked licences issued to some US companies to sell goods to Huawei, a report claims, with Intel and Japan flash memory maker Kioxia Corporation, formerly known as Toshiba Memory Corporation, among those who had licences revoked. Taiwan's Asia Pacific Telecom has selected Sweden's Ericsson to modernise its LTE network, the telecommunications firm says, adding that this would include 5G non-standalone multi-operator core network readiness. If there's one thing we know about mobile phone and data plans, it's that they get better all the time, with the biggest differentiator in 2021 being the amount of data you get included for the money, given that national calls and text are unlimited, so what is Circles.Life offering? Guest Opinion: The concept of sharing is an unfamiliar one in cybersecurity. When your goal is keeping your employees and data safe, how can exchanging information help your mission? And of course, there's plenty more today, so for all the news, please visit www.itwire.com. Stephen Withers, Morning Newsletter Editor, iTWire PROMOTE YOUR WEBINAR on iTWire.com Contact: andrew.matler@itwire.com 0412 390 000