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Wednesday, June 24, 2020



Post-Acute Now: Online Summit

Post-Acute Now is HCPro’s exclusive virtual event taking place on July 30th, 2020. The half-day event features sessions on topics that matter to post-acute professionals, like COVID-19, billing and reimbursement, regulatory updates, and more.


Skilled Nursing Facility

Choosing unemployment over paychecks leads to SNF staffing issues
SNFs across the U.S. are struggling with staffing issues amid the pandemic. Because of both safety concerns and limited access to childcare, some staff members are choosing unemployment over paychecks. The federal government added an additional $600 a week to individual unemployment checks as part of the CARES Act, meaning that some employees actually make …

Private Duty

Predictions on the Long-Term Outlook for Remote Work
By Lin Grensing-Pophal, Contributing Editor for HR Daily Advisor. The COVID-19 pandemic has turned everyday life upside down in so many ways. From school and childcare to socializing and work life, dramatic change has been forced on many individuals and businesses over the last several months.One of the biggest examples of this is the shift …

Featured Podcast

Keeping SNF residents engaged during COVID-19
Social distancing due to COVID-19 has been rough on many SNF residents, but there are several ways to keep residents engaged. Join us as we discuss ways to keep residents social and engaged while maintaining COVID-19 safety precautions. With us today is Stefanie Corbett. Stefanie has served in various senior leadership roles in healthcare organizations. …

Most Read Articles


Coronavirus fears at work: What employers need to know to stay protected

What SNFs need to be doing right now to deal with COVID-19

CMS releases Five Star Quality Rating updates and FAQ for SNFs


Events Calendar




September 14-16, 2020 | Post-Acute Leadership Forum (Arizona)