Jubilæumsdebat: Hvilket civilsamfund har verden brug for? I 2025 har CISU 25 Ã¥rs jubilæum. Det markeres gennem hele 2025 med en række events, konkurrencer og fortællinger, som sætter fokus pÃ¥ fortiden, nutiden og fremtiden for civilsamfundets indsats i verden. Det første store jubilæumsevent finder sted den 28. februar fra klokken 14.00 til 19.00 pÃ¥ Villa Kultur i København. Her vil oplægsholdere fra bÃ¥de Danmark og udlandet dele erfaringer og perspektiver pÃ¥ civilsamfundets rolle globalt. Blandt talerne er: ð¹ Nana Afadzinu (WASCI, Ghana) â om lokalt lederskab og globalt samarbejde ð¹ Lucia Ortiz (Friends of the Earth, Brasilien) â om klimakampen og civilsamfundets rolle i det globale syd ð¹ Danske civilsamfundsorganisationer â om deres erfaringer og rolle i en global kontekst Det er gratis at deltage, og der vil ogsÃ¥ være mulighed for at netværke i uformelle rammer efter oplæggene. ðFind tilmelding her. |
CISUVÃRK har fokus pÃ¥ partnerskaber ForÃ¥rets CISUVÃRK-arrangementer sætter fokus pÃ¥ partnerskaber som drivkraft for forandring i civilsamfundet. Programmet byder pÃ¥ oplæg, netværk og erfaringsudveksling i bÃ¥de København og Aarhus. Blandt andet vil medlemsorganisationen FANT dele erfaringer fra lederkurset Connected Leadership i Sierra Leone, der udfordrer traditionelle ledelsesformer og giver nye perspektiver pÃ¥ udviklingsarbejde. Derudover sættes der fokus pÃ¥, hvordan samarbejder med virksomheder, organisationer og institutioner kan styrke civilsamfundets indsats. Dagen afsluttes med fælles aftensmad. Tilmelding og mere information: ðð¹ CISUVÃRK Ãst â 10. marts klokken 15:30-19:30, Vartov, København ðð¹ CISUVÃRK Vest â 18. marts klokken 15:30-19:30, CISU, Aarhus |
Kursus: SÃ¥dan laver man et godt projektbudget Den 19. marts har nye ansøgere til CISUs puljer mulighed for at blive introduceret til blandt andet CISUs budgetvejledning. Her afholder CISU nemlig kurset "Lær at lave det gode projektbudget" pÃ¥ Vartov i København. Kurset giver en introduktion til principperne for budgetlægning, samarbejde med partnere og CISUs budgetformater. Deltagerne fÃ¥r: Viden om budgetprincipper og -processer Gennemgang af CISUs budgetformater Mulighed for sparring pÃ¥ et konkret budget ðLæs mere og tilmeld find tilmelding pÃ¥ linket her |
Fundraising: To kurser om privat indsamling og fondsansøgninger CISU tilbyder i marts og maj to kurser, der giver indsigt i fundraising fra privatpersoner og samarbejde med danske fonde. Intro til fundraising: Penge fra private Onlinekurset giver en introduktion til fundraising blandt privatpersoner â bÃ¥de eksisterende støtter og nye kontakter. Forskellige indsamlingsmetoder som kampagner, online fundraising og events gennemgÃ¥s, ligesom medlemskab og faste bidrag. Kurset berører ogsÃ¥ indsamlingsetik og samspillet mellem fundraising, organisationens værdier og mÃ¥l. ðð Torsdag den 6. marts klokken 15,30-17,30 (online) Samarbejde med danske fonde Dette kursus gÃ¥r i dybden med fondsansøgninger og det gode fondssamarbejde. Hele processen fra idé til bevilling gennemgÃ¥s, og repræsentanter fra fonde deler indsigt i, hvad der vægtes i ansøgninger. En medlemsorganisation fortæller om erfaringer med succesfuld fondsansøgning, og der bliver mulighed for erfaringsudveksling og sparring. Kurset er fordelt pÃ¥ to dele: ðð Mandag den 31. marts klokken 13.00-17.00 (København) ðð Torsdag den 5. maj klokken 13.00-15.00 (online) |
CIVICUS undersøger konsekvenser af USAID-nedskæringer Flere civilsamfundsorganisationer oplever i øjeblikket konsekvenserne af USAIDs pludselige tilbagetrækning af støtte. For at kortlægge omfanget og de konkrete udfordringer har CIVICUS udformet et spørgeskema til berørte organisationer. Danske organisationer opfordres til at dele spørgeskemaet med relevante sydpartnere, sÃ¥ CIVICUS kan fÃ¥ et sÃ¥ nuanceret billede som muligt. Resultaterne vil danne grundlag for, hvordan civilsamfundet bedst kan reagere og mobilisere støtte. ð Find og del spørgeskemaet her. |
Man kan læse om fordelene ved at være medlem af CISU her. Fordelene spænder bredt fra kapacitetsopbygning til gratis adgang til Altinget. Man behøver ikke være medlem af CISU for at søge CISUs puljer - men det hjælper indimellem. Man kan nemlig også få rådgivning og sparring i forbindelse med ansøgninger. |
Kommende arrangementer hos CISU |
Disclaimer: This translation has been generated by AI. Dear Reader, I hope youâve made it safely to the halfway point of the workweek. It certainly seems like thereâs plenty going on, both locally and globally. And I might as well be honest: This newsletter wonât make things any calmer. You can look forward to no less than nine news updates, a packed bulletin board, and a course calendar filled to the brim. I hope youâll grab a cup of coffee or a glass of water and see if any of it is relevant to you. Thereâs plenty to dive into, including course offers, deadlines related to the general assembly, a survey, andâlast but not leastâa humorous yet both relevant and serious critique from an applicant. Happy reading! Kim Jensen (For English: Scroll to the bottom) The Board Was in Aarhus CISUâs board held its latest meeting at the secretariatâs offices in Aarhus, where one of the main topics was the annual monitoring of working groups. Chairperson Torsten Malmdorf highlighted the importance of this review. â At a strategic level, the board must ensure that CISU develops in the right direction. This requires ongoing dialogue and follow-up on the work of the secretariat, he says. He also encourages interested members to run for the board in the upcoming election at the general assembly on April 26. â Serving on the board is a great opportunity to influence how CISU should develop at a strategic level, he says. ðRead more about the general assembly here. At the general assembly, in addition to electing a new board, members will also review any proposed bylaw changes and present this yearâs initiative award. The deadlines for these are February 24 and 26, respectively. 13 Applications Were Connected On October 2, CISU launched the EU-funded awareness and engagement fund, Connect for Global Change. The fund aims to enhance awareness, critical understanding, and meaningful engagement with global agendas and challenges among people in Denmark. The first of two application rounds has now been completed. A total of 22 applications were received, and funding of 314,084 EUR has been granted across 13 projects. The next application round opens on August 27, 2025, at 12:00 PM. ðRead more here 73 Applied for the New CSP On January 29, the Civil Society Fund (CSP) had its first application deadline under the new guidelines. This was the first opportunity to apply for some of the modalities since early July, which may be reflected in the number of applications. A total of 73 applications were submitted across the following categories: Small projects: 32 applications totaling 4.9 million DKK Large projects: 32 applications totaling 20.4 million DKK Neighborhood â small projects: 1 application Neighborhood â large projects: 8 applications totaling 3.9 million DKK Applicants will receive a response no later than March 21. In 2025, there will be three application rounds for both small and large projects. Each organization can submit up to three applications per category per year. Course on Child Protection in Development Work How can children best be protected in development work in the Global South? This is the theme of a course hosted by CISU in collaboration with the Child Protection Network and the Center for Church-Based Development (CKU). Child protection is not only relevant for organizations that focus primarily on children. Many projects have an indirect impact on children's lives, and there may be risk factors that need to be identified and addressed. The course provides practical tools for engaging with partners and other stakeholders on child protection, identifying risks, and developing a child protection policy. Time and Place: Saturday, March 15, 2025, from 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM at Vartov in Copenhagen. ðSign up here Anniversary Debate: What Kind of Civil Society Does the World Need? In 2025, CISU celebrates its 25th anniversary. Throughout the year, a series of events, competitions, and stories will highlight the past, present, and future of civil societyâs efforts worldwide. The first major anniversary event takes place on February 28 from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Villa Kultur in Copenhagen. Speakers from Denmark and abroad will share their experiences and perspectives on the global role of civil society. Among them: ð¹ Nana Afadzinu (WASCI, Ghana) â on local leadership and global collaboration ð¹ Lucia Ortiz (Friends of the Earth, Brazil) â on the climate struggle and the role of civil society in the Global South ð¹ Danish civil society organizations â on their experiences and role in a global context Participation is free, and there will also be opportunities for informal networking after the presentations. ðSign up here. ```html CISUVÃRK Focuses on Partnerships Springâs CISUVÃRK events will highlight partnerships as a driving force for change in civil society. The program includes presentations, networking, and experience sharing in both Copenhagen and Aarhus. Among the highlights, member organization FANT will share insights from the leadership course Connected Leadership in Sierra Leone, which challenges traditional leadership models and provides new perspectives on development work. Additionally, there will be a focus on how collaborations with businesses, organizations, and institutions can strengthen civil society efforts. The day concludes with a shared dinner. Registration and more information: ðð¹ CISUVÃRK East â March 10, 3:30 PM - 7:30 PM, Vartov, Copenhagen ðð¹ CISUVÃRK West â March 18, 3:30 PM - 7:30 PM, CISU, Aarhus ``` ```html Course: How to Create a Good Project Budget On March 19, new applicants to CISUâs funds will have the opportunity to be introduced to CISUâs budget guidelines, among other topics. CISU will be hosting the course "Learn to Create a Good Project Budget" at Vartov in Copenhagen. The course provides an introduction to budgeting principles, collaboration with partners, and CISUâs budget formats. Participants will gain: Knowledge of budgeting principles and processes An overview of CISUâs budget formats Opportunities for feedback on a specific budget ðRead more and sign up here ``` ```html Fundraising: Two Courses on Private Donations and Grant Applications CISU is offering two courses in March and May, providing insights into fundraising from private individuals and collaboration with Danish foundations. Introduction to Fundraising: Private Donations This online course introduces fundraising among private individuals â both existing supporters and new contacts. It covers various fundraising methods, including campaigns, online fundraising, and events, as well as membership and recurring donations. The course also touches on fundraising ethics and the interplay between fundraising, organizational values, and goals. ðð Thursday, March 6, 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM (online) Collaboration with Danish Foundations This course provides an in-depth look at grant applications and successful foundation partnerships. It covers the entire process from idea to funding approval, with foundation representatives sharing insights on what makes a strong application. A member organization will also share experiences with successful grant applications, and participants will have the opportunity for peer learning and discussion. The course is divided into two sessions: ðð Monday, March 31, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Copenhagen) ðð Thursday, May 5, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (online) ``` ```html CIVICUS Investigates the Impact of USAID Cuts Several civil society organizations are currently experiencing the consequences of USAIDâs sudden withdrawal of support. To map the extent and specific challenges, CIVICUS has created a survey for affected organizations. Danish organizations are encouraged to share the survey with relevant Southern partners to ensure CIVICUS gathers the most comprehensive and nuanced picture possible. The results will help determine how civil society can best respond and mobilize support. ð Find and share the survey here. ``` |