Her bør Folketinget sætte ind, hvis Danmark skal være en førende udviklingspartner I et debatindlæg i Altinget Udvikling kommer CISUs forperson Torsten Malmdorf sammen med Nana Afadzinu (WACSI, Ghana) og Lúcia Ortiz (Friends of the Earth, Brasilien) fast, at reel og bæredygtig handling pÃ¥ verdens kriser kræver, at fundamentet for udviklingssamarbejdet, nemlig den folkelige opbakning, bliver endnu stærkere. Indlægget er et indspil til den nye udviklingspolitiske strategi. ðIndlægget kan læses her. |
Fotokonkurrence med fire temaer og en bonus I forbindelse med CISUs generalforsamling 2025 bliver der igen afholdt en fotokonkurrence, hvor alle medlemsorganisationer kan deltage. De bedste billeder bliver udstillet på generalforsamlingen. Vinderbilledet modtager 10.000 kroner og vil blive brugt på CISUs årsplakat. Fotokonkurrencen har i 2025 fire kategorier og en særlig jubilæumskategori: Samarbejde Hverdag Kamp Symbolik Og den særlige: Forandring, hvor man kan sende mere end èt billede for at vise den forandring, man har opnået. Der er plads til både enkeltstående billeder og før/nu-billeder fra indsatser fra de sidste 30 år. Alle medlemsorganisationer kan deltage gennem cisu.dk/foto25. Der er frist den 6. april 2025. |
Tag med pÃ¥ Folkemøde pÃ¥ Bornholm Der er stadig tre mÃ¥neder til Folkemødet 2025, men de første arrangementer pÃ¥ Kutter Anton er allerede ved at tage form. Kutteren er et tilbud om en gratis scene stillet til rÃ¥dighed for CISUs medlemsorganisationer. PÃ¥ ð www.cisu.dk/fm kan man læse mere om rammerne for deltagelse og finde en formular, man kan udfylde for at ansøge om deltagelse. Man kan ogsÃ¥ finde podcasten 'Folkemøde pÃ¥ Kutter Anton' indlejret pÃ¥ siden eller pÃ¥ de fleste podcast-platforme. |
Man kan læse om fordelene ved at være medlem af CISU her. Fordelene spænder bredt fra kapacitetsopbygning til gratis adgang til Altinget. Man behøver ikke være medlem af CISU for at søge CISUs puljer - men det hjælper indimellem. Man kan nemlig også få rådgivning og sparring i forbindelse med ansøgninger. |
Kommende arrangementer hos CISU |
Disclaimer: This translation has been generated by AI. **Dear Reader** Here comes another newsletter from CISU. Besides bringing you a series of good news, I also have a small request: Would you be so kind as to reply to this email? Youâre welcome to send an empty email, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could write a few words about what you like, donât like, or feel is missing from the CISU newsletter. I value this feedback because it helps me adjust the newsletter, but even just replying is helpful. It signals to different mail servers that you find the email relevant, which means fewer newsletters end up in spam filters. Thank you in advance, and happy reading! **Kim Jensen** (For dansk: Scroll til toppen) 30 Million DKK for the Civil Society Fund The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that CISU will receive a special grant of 30 million DKK for the Civil Society Fund in 2025. In connection with the grant, Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen stated on the social media platform X that he has âdeep respect for the many civil society organizationsâ strong results achieved through equal partnerships with local organizations.â CISUâs Head of Secretariat, Jeef Bech, expresses gratitude for both the funding and the kind words. â We are very happy and grateful for this additional support, the backing of civil society, and, most importantly, the recognition of the vital results achieved by Danish civil society organizations in equal partnerships with local organizations. We look forward to allocating these extra funds to their work in 2025 and will soon engage in dialogue with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on this matter, says Head of Secretariat Jeef Bech. ðRead the full story and find a link to share here. OpEn Extended for Four More Years The funding for OpEn, the Ministry of Foreign Affairsâ Information and Engagement Fund, has been extended for another four-year period, running until the end of 2029. ðRead more about it in the full announcement here. The fund is currently looking for two members to join the grant committee. Candidates must represent an actor in Denmark, such as a Danish civil society organization, professional association, private company, foundation, public institution, or independent cultural institution. ðRead the job posting here. The application deadline is March 17. The grant committeeâs main task is to evaluate applications. During the most recent application round for communication grants in February, the fund received 51 applications. ðRead more about it here. Debate Meeting Showed Support for Civil Societyâs Work On Thursday, February 27, CISU invited member organizations, political spokespersons, and international speakers to a debate meeting at Christiansborg to discuss the role of civil society in the new development policy strategy. With keynote presentations from Nana Asantewa Afadzinu (WACSI) and Lúcia Ortiz (Friends of the Earth Brazil), the discussion highlighted the value of a locally led development approach and civil societyâs role in creating lasting change. Flemming Møller Mortensen from the Social Democrats, Karsten Hønge from the Socialist Peopleâs Party, and Michael Aastrup Jensen from the Liberal Partyâeach their partyâs spokesperson on development policyâco-hosted the event alongside CISU. Additionally, Trine Pertou Mach, development spokesperson for the Red-Green Alliance, also participated. ðRead more about the event here. Where Parliament Should Act If Denmark Is to Be a Leading Development Partner In an opinion piece in *Altinget Udvikling*, CISUâs Chairperson Torsten Malmdorf, along with Nana Afadzinu (WACSI, Ghana) and Lúcia Ortiz (Friends of the Earth, Brazil), argues that genuine and sustainable action on global crises requires strengthening the foundation of development cooperationânamely, public support. The article contributes to the discussion on Denmarkâs new development policy strategy. ðRead the full article here. Photo Contest with Four Themes and a Bonus In connection with CISUâs General Assembly 2025, a photo contest will once again be held, open to all member organizations. The best photos will be exhibited at the General Assembly. The winning photo will receive **10,000 DKK** and be featured on CISUâs annual poster. The 2025 photo contest includes four categories and a special anniversary category: Collaboration Everyday Life Struggle Symbolism And the special category: Change, where participants can submit more than one photo to illustrate the transformation they have achieved. This category welcomes both standalone images and before/after photos from initiatives over the past 30 years. All member organizations can participate via cisu.dk/foto25. The deadline is April 6, 2025. Join Us at Folkemødet on Bornholm There are still three months until Folkemødet 2025, but the first events on *Kutter Anton* are already taking shape. The cutter serves as a free stage available to CISUâs member organizations. On ð www.cisu.dk/fm, you can read more about the participation framework and find a form to apply for a spot. You can also find the podcast *Folkemøde pÃ¥ Kutter Anton* embedded on the page or on most podcast platforms. |