It's springtime at the farm!
happy kidding season! | It's that special time of year on the farm when new goat kids join the family! If you're a Sonoma County local that could use some kid cuddles, you can sign up for farm tours here. For everyone further afield, we hope these baby goat pics will at least put a little spring in your Springtime. |
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Farm Tours | Calling all San Francisco Bay Area locals. The farm is now offering Covid-safe Spring tours! Get your cuddle on with the sweet little goat kids and take a guided tour through our favorite place in the world. | Let’s go |
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10 Facts about goat kids | At Redwood Hill Farm we’ve been raising dairy goat kids since the mid-1960s, and over the years have learned much about these intelligent, cute, and cuddly young animals. Here’s our top ten list of fun facts about goat kids! | tell me more |
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There are now more ways than ever to stock your fridge with Redwood Hill Farm goat milk yogurts and kefirs. Shop our new online store, order via your preferred grocery delivery app, or find a retail store near you. | |
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Share the love! | #redwoodhillfarm | ©2021 Redwood Hill Farm & Creamery Redwood Hill Farm & Creamery 2064 Gravenstein Hwy. N. Building 1, Suite 130 Sebastopol, CA 95472 USA All rights reserved. | Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. |
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