She didn't obey the rules.
That's another thing the working class believes in strongly, right and wrong, respecting the law, and the funny thing is most of us consider ourselves working class, or middle class, be sure to read today's "New York Times" story on Wigan, a burg that always goes Labour that voted for Brexit, despite only 25% of UK inhabitants being working class, 60% BELIEVE they are working class. You never forget your roots. You might have an SUV and a sports car in the driveway, probably leased, but you remember when you struggled, and retain those underlying values, unless you WIN!
For far too long the emphasis in America has been on the winners. And that means money. Hell, the media wouldn't even publicize the MacArthur genius grants if they didn't come with 125k a year attached. Is it hard to believe we've got a culture where the best and the brightest, the elite, bend the rules in their favor in order to succeed?
Bill Clinton comes from nothing, he's arguably a hillbilly. Hillary comes from something more. But after his Presidency Bill and Hillary blurred the edges, worked for anybody with the cash, barely different from a nitwit entertainer doing their act for a third world dictator. Couldn't they say no? And they've got that bogus foundation wherein the money goes in and transparency disappears. And now their daughter Chelsea is a millionaire, really... This is what Bernie Sanders was railing against, the closed system, wherein the winners utilize their connections to keep themselves up and others down. Come on, why should Chelsea Clinton be worth eight figures, what has she done other than to be a member of the lucky sperm club?
And she's fair game, everybody with a profile is fair game. That's the social media world we live in, there are no sacred cows. Despite the media insisting our leaders, our stars, have gravitas and earned their status, despite Romney putting so many out of work.
The past has come home to roost. I believe in globalization, but you've got to take care of the losers in the equation, like Colin Hewlett in the "Times" article above, he's 61, his weekly pay got cut from $665 to $318, you can't make it on that. But you never hear these stories, because these people don't have a voice.
And I don't think Hillary should be indicted, that's a right wing canard, one that ignores the law, which must show intent in a specific way, to give away secrets. But I do question the judgment of someone who refuses to abide by the rules. What exactly was Hillary protecting herself from here? Who are the people she surrounds herself with who told her to do this? Believe me, she's not that tech-savvy. Why is it that every successful person made it by breaking the rules and they keep telling us to adore them?
I'm gonna vote for Hillary, you can't give Trump the wheel, you can't put the Supreme Court at risk. But at this late date I'm thinking David Geffen was right, he plays the Clinton game better than they do, he too rose from nothing, and he deemed them duplicitous, untrustworthy, and they are. Funny how the right wing label ends up sticking, being right.
But the right wing is all about gotcha and gridlock and paying fealty to shadowy rich people who pay their bills and pull the strings. When did it become an honor to be a court jester, that's who these people are, the right wing representatives and the Clintons too, they like the perks, they'll do whatever the rich want them to, they're beholden to them.
And then you've got the Hillary supporters shushing Bernie and burnishing her image.
Of course Hillary is smart, experienced too. But she lied about the server, of which there were many, actually it was servers, and how are you supposed to trust her after that? She doesn't care about us so much as herself, accumulating and maintaining power, no different from Microsoft or Facebook or all the other corporations that you ultimately hate. Then again, today we love corporations more than people, their products are more honest, whereas human beings lack backbones, at least those in the public eye.
We can't make it here anymore. Whether it be the working class or the educated class that cannot live in Manhattan or afford a concierge doctor. That's the story of today, how it's all blown up in our own backyard. Republicans are for drug treatment as opposed to incarceration because suddenly it's THEIR kids who are shooting up as opposed to THOSE people. And now that college is sixty grand a year...who's got 240k lying around?
So the truth is Hillary skated.
But it feels like she's guilty.
And feeling is everything today. That's why Brexit happened, despite so many voting against their interest, being beneficiaries of the EU.
It feels like we're getting screwed in America. Even those who jumped through the hoops. I don't make a million dollars a year, do you? Exactly what did I do wrong... Not go to work in finance, not be college roommates with Mark Zuckerberg? Finance builds nothing and tech is all about breaking rules, asking permission later. And we need change, but who's gonna look out for the little guy?
The musicians have been screaming for years. They're a perfect metaphor for the country at large. They were swimming along just fine and suddenly their lunch and then their house and nearly their entire income disappeared. You couldn't ask the government to help them because the government was too busy protecting richer interests. So now it's a winner take all entertainment world, but the truth is music was just the canary in the coal mine, it's completely a winner take all world, from top to bottom. Good luck getting a good paying job if you're over fifty. Service jobs don't pay the bills. Meanwhile, we keep hearing about billionaires.
My sense of right and wrong has been inflamed. My radar has gone off. I don't want to make the Democrats lose, but how are we supposed to mobilize voters when stuff like this happens? Could be the only way to lodge your protest is via voting. That's a good reason to support Trump. And the Hillary acolytes will pooh-pooh it, and say it's dumb, and against one's interests, but that's exactly why voters are going the other way, they're sick and tired of being told what's right by people who believe they're better than they are, supporting false gods all the way.
We didn't see this coming.
But a rising tide did not lift all boats.
And despite the public being unfamiliar with the details, they know how they feel...left out. And they're sick and tired of those who don't respect the rules being rewarded again and again and again.
I certainly am.
"Wigan's Road to 'Brexit': Anger, Loss and Class Resentments":
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