In this issue, October 12, 2021 View it in your browser.

MIT MADDNESS, OpenVSCode Server, Cloud Native Buildpacks, Post-Quantum, Java LTS Cycle, Elm in Production, Dapr, Ubuntu Frame, PayPal Adopts GraphQL, Toxic Leadership

Cloud Operating Models - Learn how to web-scale cloud infrastructures at QCon Plus this Nov.

Learn from cloud infrastructure practitioners like Coburn Watson, Head of Infrastructure, Systems Reliability Engineer at Pinterest on how to avoid key pitfalls to successfully run web-scale workloads on the cloud. Save your place at QCon Plus and deep-dive in The Cloud Operating Model track.



Performance is a Shape – Not a Number

If you're adopting microservices, you know that faster root cause analysis and the ability to confidently measure and explain performance are key to improving efficiency and saving developer time. Download now.

Lin Clark on the WebAssembly Component Model

Using the metaphor of lego blocks, Lin Clark (a senior principal software engineer at Fastly) discusses the WebAssembly Component model with Wes Reisz, including the background, roadmap, and design goals. Today on the podcast, Clark and Reisz talk web assembly and the work happening around developing the component model. (Podcast)

The Amazon Way with John Rossman

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, lead editor for culture & methods, spoke to former Amazon executive John Rossman about the latest edition of his book, The Amazon Way. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. AWS and NFL Partner to Bolster Next Gen Stats for American Football Games

MIT Researchers Open-Source Approximate Matrix Multiplication Algorithm MADDNESS

Researchers at MIT's Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) have open-sourced Multiply-ADDitioN-lESS (MADDNESS), an algorithm that speeds up machine learning using approximate matrix multiplication (AMM). MADDNESS requires zero multiply-add operations and runs 10x faster than other approximate methods and 100x faster than exact multiplication. (News)



Redis Microservices for Dummies

This eBook will help you understand the fundamentals of a microservices architecture, learn how to use Redis for messaging, storage, and caching, and design interservice communications while building new services. Download now.


  1. Microsoft Announces the General Availability of Azure Purview

  2. AWS Announces the General Availability and Open Sourcing of the Amazon Genomics CLI

  3. Gitpod Announces OpenVSCode Server Project Enabling Developers to Run Upstream VS Code

  4. AWS Introduces Static IP Addresses for Application Load Balancer

  5. Yugabyte Cloud: a Managed Distributed SQL Database

Using Cloud Native Buildpacks to Address Security Requirements for the Software Supply Chain

Software supply chain attacks are increasing in severity and frequency, with no clear path laid out towards its mitigation. A simple way to trace the origin of vulnerable components is available in the form of Software Bill Of Materials (SBOMs), generated automatically when using Buildpacks. (Article)

Is Artificial Intelligence Taking over DevOps?

AI tools are slowly replacing the role of the developer – just as DevOps did before – and will eventually supplant DevOps entirely. Assessing whether that prediction is true is tricky. In this article, we’ll look at what AI promises for the development process, assess whether it can ever take over from human developers, and what DevOps is likely to look like in a decades’ time. (Article)


Red Hat

Deploy full-stack JavaScript applications to Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat OpenShift is a Kubernetes distribution that makes it easy to deploy and scale applications in the cloud. In this hands-on activity, you will learn how to deploy a full-stack JavaScript application in an OpenShift cluster. Learn More.

Post-Quantum: Bi-Symmetric Hybrid Encryption System

CEW Systems' Bi-Symmetric Hybrid Encryption System provides a new approach to post-quantum encryption that has been designed to be immune to a variety of attacks, including brute force attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, and rolljam attacks. This article will present the results of its formal evaluation using credit card purchasing, e-commerce, and banking application examples. (Article)


  1. Oracle Proposes Shorter Java LTS Cycle of Two Years

  2. Eclipse Foundation’s Adoptium Releases First Temurin JDK Builds

Java News Roundup: Hazelcast 5.0, Changes Coming to WildFly, Scene Builder 17, Hibernate ORM

This week's Java roundup for September 27th, 2021, features news from JDK 18, Hazelcast 5.0, point and release candidates of Hibernate ORM, Spring Initilizr 0.11.0, significant changes planned for WildFly, Open Liberty, Scene Builder 17, JReleaser 0.7.0, JDKMon 17.0.5, RefactorFirst 0.3.0, TornadoVM 0.11 and Sonatype dropping TLSv1.1 from their publishing servers. (News)



Hardening Single Page Application Security

Single Page Applications are great for user experience and infrastructure management, but securing them is difficult. Join our webinar to explore how to best approach this problem.

In case you missed it

Building a Source Generator for C#

In this article we’ll be writing a Source Generator for C#. Along the way we’ll explain some of the key technologies and pitfalls you might encounter on the way.(Article)



Experience Neo4j in a click with the Sandbox

Get started on your graph journey in less than 60 seconds. Start now!


  1. WICG Publishes New HTML Sanitizer API Proposal against mXSS Attacks

  2. 100,000+ Lines of Elm Code in Production: Rakuten Shares Lessons Learnt

A Lightweight, Safe, Portable, and High-Performance Runtime for Dapr

Dapr (Distributed Application Runtime) has quickly become a very popular open-source framework for building microservices. It provides building blocks and pre-packaged services that are commonly used in distributed applications, such as service invocation, state management, message queues, resource bindings and triggers, mTLS secure connections, and service monitoring. (Article)



Kubernetes Cheat Sheet

Many enterprises are leveraging cloud services for Kubernetes to rapidly build and deploy applications. The Decision Maker’s Checklist helps teams get the most out of their cloud Kubernetes investment. Download yours now!

Ubuntu Frame Aims to Power Ubuntu Core-Based Kiosks

Ubuntu Frame aims to power graphical applications for embedded devices like interactive kiosks, smart retail solutions, and so on. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. API Design Principles and Process at Slack

  2. PayPal Adopts GraphQL: Gains Increased Developer Productivity

Minimizing Design Time Coupling in a Microservice Architecture

Chris Richardson discusses design-time coupling in a microservice architecture and why it's essential to minimize it, describing how to design service APIs to reduce coupling. (Presentation with transcript included)
Find out what should be on your radar from world-class domain experts. Discover emerging software trends and innovations. Book your spot at QCon Plus November 2021.



Live Forum: Extending Human Workflow Automation

Hear from Babylon Health and ING on how they combine human work and automation within end-to-end business processes. Register now for the virtual event.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Improving Gender Inclusion by Using Agile Principles

Speed, Efficiency, and Value: Using Empiricism to Achieve Business Agility

Customers seek solutions that improve their outcomes, and organizations don’t know what will achieve this until they deliver something to them, measure the results, and adapt accordingly. Doing so repeatedly, frequently, and with the smallest investment to achieve the greatest amount of feedback, is the essence of organizational agility. This is key to success in today's complex world. (Article)

The Three Symptoms of Toxic Leadership and How to Get out of It

None of us are born toxic leaders, but anyone can easily become one. In the past several years, workplaces have started to feel the effects of “toxic leadership.” Now is the time to educate everyone on the importance of speaking right, doing right, treating each other right in the workplace, and above all, being a non-toxic leader. (Article)

Balancing Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication in Virtual Teams

Tammy Bjelland shows how to improve the balance of synchronous and asynchronous communication and make a positive impact on a team and business outcomes with a simple-to-use framework. (Presentation with transcript included)


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