Congressional fund used to pay sexual harassment victims | How to recruit, retain productive high-performing employees | Attract the most talented older workers with these tips
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News that congressional members use a secret fund to pay people who accuse them of sexual harassment has lawmakers calling for legislation to end the practice. Female lawmakers say sexual harassment and payouts are ingrained in Washington culture and are not exclusive to Democrats or Republicans. WCBS-TV (New York City) (11/27),The Hill (11/27),The New York Times (free-article access for SmartBrief readers) (11/26)
Reduce Health Care Costs by Investing in Diabetes Care Investing in empowering employees to manage their diabetes more effectively can help lower your health care costs. How do you evaluate a program that is right for your wallet and your employees' health? Read the whitepaper to find out.
Recruiting & Retention
How to recruit, retain productive high-performing employees Focusing on recruitment and retention is important because high performers outproduce other employees by 800%, write Scott Keller and Mary Meaney of McKinsey. It is better to stand out in one of the four areas top talent values most than to try to excel in all four equally, they advise. McKinsey (11/2017)
5 ways to end the interruption drain Interruptions at work have been linked to increased errors, loss of productivity and engagement, and health problems, which cost the US an estimated $588 billion annually, writes Petra Neiger, founder of leadership company Red Pantz. Neiger offers five tips to cope with interruptions, including scheduling focus time, setting boundaries on chat platforms, and collecting thoughts and making notes before responding to interruptions. Training magazine (11/20)
Benefits & Compensation
More companies showing support for adoption A growing number of employers is offering benefits to adoptive parents, including time off, lump-sum payments and reimbursement for fees, writes Sean Leslie, senior content strategist at A company that supports adoption improves employee satisfaction and shows it cares about its workers and their families. ERE Media (11/27)
The HR Leader
How to make the workplace more inclusive HR leaders can build an inclusive workplace without a big budget by repeatedly telling employees inclusion is important, identifying areas in need of improvement and creating new routines that give women and minorities a bigger voice, writes Michelle Vitus, CEO of Slate Advisers. Also, offer benefits such as parental leave that support diversity and make sure the recruiting process targets diverse job candidates. HR People + Strategy Blog (11/22)