As your office slows down over winter break, there are many ways to maximize energy-saving potential. The Office of Sustainability has put together a checklist to help your office stay sustainable throughout the academic break. Are you traveling? The same guidelines work at home!
Follow these best practices at the office (and home!) for spaces that will be unoccupied for an extended period of time. Coordinate with your office mates to make sure that the last one out does a final check!
Turn off all lights;
Close and lock all windows (this creates a better seal to keep drafts out!);
Lower all window treatments, close blinds;
Turn off copiers, printers, computers, screens, televisions, and other office equipment and appliances; unplug appliances that have lights or fans on after turning off;
If you have appliances plugged into a power strip, simply turn off the switch;
Turn thermostat down - depending on the situation, you can go as low as 50 degrees without damaging plants. (Be aware of any pet needs!);
Be sure to follow any office or lab protocols for turning off equipment (or leaving it on if needed)!
String Lights Recycling Drive
The annual Holiday Lights Recycling Drive runs December 18 through January 31. Collection bins can be found on both the Medical and the Danforth campuses. More >>
Resources for Sustainable Holidays
From gift wrapping to meatless meals and to Christmas trees, we’ve compiled a list of tips and resources to help you make informed and responsible decisions for your holidays. More>>
2019 Certification deadline The certification deadline for 2019 is December 30th. Please submit your checklist by this date to certify your office and receive your 2019 tile at our Annual Green Carpet Awards.
Green Office Liaisons Forward this email to your office members to receive points on your Green Office checklist!
Wishing you a joyous, relaxing and sustainable winter break from your friends at the Office of Sustainability!
The Office of Sustainability newsletter is intended as a clearinghouse of sustainability-related news and events at the university, in the region and around the world. Listings in the newsletter do not necessarily represent Office of Sustainability endorsements or views. To submit an event or news item to include in the newsletter, email