"A Conversation with Tracy Zeman" " I am not interested in writing about myself in a direct way and purposefully try to distance my poems from the personal—the use of “us” and “we” does that and can be alternately inclusive or implicating. I also use “us” and “we” to make me and whomever I’m out walking with a single unit—for Empire it was often my husband, Matt, or an imagined walk with my brother—since many of the poems deal with my/our grief over the sudden death of our father" viaADROIT JOURNAL |
| Poetry Daily stands with the Black community. We oppose racism, oppression, and police brutality. We will continue to amplify diverse voices in the poetry world. Black Lives Matter. |
What Sparks Poetry: Brian Teare on "Star Thistle" "What is a weed in one cultural context is medicine or food in another; what is invasive in one ecosystem is native to another; and plants, like matter, as William James would wisely say, have no ideals. What I brought to the Star Thistle was what Adam Phillips in his marvelous book Darwin’s Worms would call the problem of grieving in a secular age." |