25 November 2020 | If this message is not correctly displayed, you can view it online |
| The Netherlands | Tax & Legal | 17 Nov 2020 |
Brexit webinar: Preparing for the end of the transition period | 25 November 2020 | Dear John, We would like to personally invite you for the “Prepare for Brexit” webinar on 25th November 2020, 13:00-14:00 CET. The end of 2020 is near and, as a result, so is the end of the transition period in which the UK is deemed to be part of the EU Internal Market and Customs Union. Brexit has a major impact on several areas of your day-to-day activities from e.g. a supply chain, legal, customs and VAT-perspective. As the transition period offers the opportunity to take the necessary actions in the light of Brexit, your deadline is December 31, 2020. Despite that uncertainty regarding the new rules still exists, our speakers will address the current status of the impact of Brexit from an (In)direct Tax& Legal perspective and the developments in this respect. The time to act is now: sign up for our webinar via the below button. |
We are looking forward to welcoming you during our Brexit webinar on the 25th! Best regards, NL Brexit Team Time to act is now! Find all our Brexit articles on Deloitte.nl |
| Webinar Details | | | The impact of Brexit on trading between the EU and the UK will be discussed. In this context we invited spreakers from:
the Dutch Customs- and Tax authorities the Port of Rotterdam the UK Embassy in the Netherlands All will shine their light on the current status and developments around Brexit and trading. | | | Date: | 25 November 2020 | Time: | 13:00 - 14:00 | | |
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