Dear Passholders/Loyal Customers, These are unprecedented times and the continuation of our normal daily lives is becoming more unpredictable with every passing day. With the uncertainty of how the COVID-19 pandemic is going to affect our lives we made the very difficult decision to suspend operations until we better understand the potential spread of the virus. We decided to err on the side of caution, so that we do not look back in retrospect and think that we should have done things differently in the interest and welfare of our guests, employees, and the local residents. We hope that the impact of the virus diminishes in the very near future, so that we can review options to restore operations in the short term. Failing that optimism, we trust that all of our loyal customers and passholders will bear with us as we navigate through the coming months. We plan to provide regular updates on how the situation unfolds with respect to our mountain operations this year and into the future. Regardless of the short term impacts, we have been making plans for many improvements at Cypress Mountain over the summer and we look forward to posting further information to ensure that Cypress Mountain continues to provide the best mountain recreation experience in the Lower Mainland. We ask everyone to be socially responsible and follow the guidelines and recommendations of the local health authorities, so that we can combat the potential spread of the virus and restore our normal lives in the very near future. Thank you for your understanding. Russell Chamberlain President & GM Cypress Mountain Resort For questions or general inquiries please email |