Today's Headlines
Friday, March 20, 2020
Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of famed evangelist Billy Graham, suggested COVID-19 might be a sign of the end times and stressed the importance of making “sure we are right with God so that we are ready to meet Him whenever the time comes.”
A church in Wisconsin can legally maintain its tax exemption even though it profits off its parking lot by allowing a nearby concert venue to use its spaces, a state appeals court panel has ruled.
A close-knit Italian-American Christian family that lost three members to the coronavirus after a family dinner just over a week ago lost a fourth member Thursday.
Founder of Harvest Bible Chapel in greater Chicago, James MacDonald, believes his “heart is ready” for what is expected to be an unusual return to the pulpit Sunday at Calvary Chapel South Bay in Gardena, California, just over a year after he was booted from ministry at his old church for a raft of misdeeds.
Two ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses — Gus Astacio and Alan Marshall — describe their experiences in the religious sect, what Jehovah’s Witnesses believe about the end times, how they came to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and why apologetics may not always be the best way to reach them with the Gospel.
Theirs is a generation raised on postmodern relativism and its claim that there are no absolute truths. They have been taught to question and challenge all authority.

Pro-life Fashion Brand partners with the Largest Christian University to share the Culture of Life message

Fashion World gives back to Planned Parenthood. Only One brand counters for life

Gallup recently released its annual public opinion poll on abortion, and the results are in.

This poll shows younger generations seem to be getting more pro-life. Generation Z and Millennials were more likely to call for Roe v. Wade’s overturn than older survey respondents.

“Our youth are growing up looking at photos of their brother or sisters 12 week ultrasound in 4-D on the fridge at home. They know that their mom is carrying a child and not a blob of tissues. They understand that the death of 60 million innocent children since Roe V. Wade is the largest Human Rights issue in the history of the world.” Stated COL1972 President Carla D’Addesi.

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Carla D’Addesi and her Gen Z daughters started the one and only pro-life fashion brand to build the Gen-Z and Millenial Life Tribe and have a voice for life in the fashion arena. Their fashion brand, COL1972, gives back 100% of their profits to pro-life organizations. The brand launched in January 2019 for Sanctity of Life month. The brand has had great opportunities to share their prolife message nationally and internationally. Most recently, COL1972 co-founder Carla D’Addesi was invited to Liberty University to speak to 15,000 students about... Read More

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