2. Diversity and Comprehensiveness People like options. By implementing a variety of online, mobile, text, kiosk, and inservice giving, you allow your donors the ability to give whenever, wherever, and however they’d like. The Johnsons can give online during their summer vacation. Mrs. Smith can text to give when she forgets her purse at home. The Allens are reminded to give by seeing a kiosk in the lobby. While online and mobile giving are great options, kiosks are the most preferred way to donate for first time donors. Placing a kiosk in your church lobby, not only diversifies your giving options but it is also a visual reminder for people to give. By having comprehensive giving methods and visual reminders for your members to donate, your giving potential will increase. 3. Transparency It’s a fact, people are more prone to give when they feel like they are apart of something... Read More. |