Today's Headlines
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
A Christian boarding school run by Teen Rescue in Northern California faces the possibility of closing after it was raided by state investigators earlier this year. The head of the school claims that its first amendment rights, as well as parental rights, are being violated.
The Village Church in Texas, led by Matt Chandler, could soon be facing a lawsuit from former members who allege that the church mishandled the sexual abuse of their underage daughter by one of the church’s then pastors.
J.D. Greear acknowledged the “horrible history of racism” in the Western church and said that the only explanation for such a grievous error is that “they have forgotten the Gospel” during a sermon delivered at a historic African American church.
Pastor David Platt addressed the controversy that enveloped McLean Bible Church last week in light of the fallout over his decision to pray for President Trump publicly from the stage during a June 2 Sunday service.
A growing number of young males — some just ten years old — are being forced into the sex trade in the United States, with traffickers dressing some little boys as girls before selling them.

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