Today's Headlines
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Sudan’s transitional government has abolished committees formed under the Islamist regime of former President Omar al-Bashir that were used to take over church properties. 
Millennial-aged Christians are more likely than older generations to fact-check sermons while they are being preached, according to a new report by the Barna Group.
A 5.7-magnitude earthquake shook Utah Wednesday morning shortly after 7 a.m., dislodging the trumpet from the hand of the statue of the angel Moroni sitting atop the iconic Mormon temple in its capital city.
A Los Angeles federal judge overturned on Tuesday a jury’s verdict that found pop star Katy Perry and her collaborators guilty of copying a Christian rap song for her hit song, “Dark Horse.” 
Evangelical pastor and author Max Lucado is encouraging Christians to choose faith over fear and consider what God might be telling them as the novel coronavirus continues to spread in the United States and abroad.
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An atheist that I was dialoging with a while back tried to support his disbelief in Jesus through the use of the “Spiderman fallacy”.

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