68% of church going men regularly view pornography and so do over 50% of pastors. As you’re seated in church, on any given Sunday you can look left and right and be fairly certain that the men you see are dealing with pornography. Thankfully, there is help available. A powerful, cinematic small group study called the Conquer Series is helping over one million men find lasting freedom from pornography. The Conquer Series features former marine fighter pilot and pastor, Dr. Ted Roberts who has helped thousands of men find freedom from pornography. In the Conquer Series, he shares battle analogies and biblical strategies for freedom. Sean W. has personally been through the Conquer Series: “I have been in church the last twelve years, and have tried everything I could think of to get a grip on my sexual addiction, but it just got worse and worse. Finally, God brought me to a place where I was introduced to the Conquer Series and I have been 100% sober ever since!” You can make the difference in another man’s life by sharing the Conquer Series as a small group with other men or by ordering the Conquer Series as a gift. Save $60 when you order both Volume 1 and 2 of the Conquer Series DVDs today. Will you stand in the gap for other men? ORDER TODAY at ConquerSeries.com |