Plus, Using AI Tutors to Flip Your Classroom
George Lucas Educational Foundation
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June 5, 2024

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Creative Writing in the Early Elementary Grades 

A project that incorporates both standard and creative elements of storytelling can help young learners strengthen their literacy skills.

Using AI Tutors to Flip Your Classroom 

Teachers can set up AI tutors to create personalized learning experiences for students at home, freeing up time for collaboration and active learning in class.

7 Strategies to Captivate Students in History Class 

These subtle tweaks to lessons can tap into the drama of historical moments and ignite student curiosity.

Teaching Young Children About Voting 

Election activities that encourage children to cast a vote and abide by the choice of their group can foster a greater understanding of citizenship.

Evidenced-Based Practices for Literacy Intervention in Middle School 

These practical strategies for building up struggling middle school readers’ literacy skills can help them read more fluently.

5 Minutes of Daily Reflection, All Year Long 

Setting aside a few minutes a day to jot down what went well and what challenges arose helps teachers notice patterns and make positive changes.

Assessing School Culture and Climate as a New Principal 

Like the leaves and roots of a tree, a school’s culture and climate are connected, and both need tending to foster a thriving community.

6 Ways to Prepare for Interviews for Administrative Positions 

Two seasoned administrators share their tips for acing the application process for school leadership positions.

Using Anchors for Emotional Regulation video icon

When given the space to regulate themselves with simple practices, students learn how to soothe their own nervous systems in moments of stress—and contribute to a sense of calm in the classroom.

The Power of Deep Observation in the Early Grades 

Paying close attention to how young learners interact and collaborate gives teachers valuable clues about their developing skills.

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George Lucas Educational Foundation
P.O. Box 3494 San Rafael, CA 94912-3494